๐จ Releases - New Limits, Commands, Details, Titles, and Designs (05/31/2021)
Feature Updates
- Wrike's Automation Engine - Increased Limits ๐ค
- Task Stream - Quick Navigation โฌ๏ธ โฌ๏ธ

- Search - More Search Commands Added ๐
- AND - word #1 AND word #2
- OR - word #1 OR word #2
- NOT - word @1 NOT word #2

- Table View & Gantt Chart - Assignee Picker Improvements ๐ค
- Wrike & Slack Integration - See Details of Projects and Folders in Slack ๐

- Workload Chart - See Effort For Displayed Tasks Only ๐
- If the filter "by Status" was applied in a Workload Chart or Resources view, the filter in the allocated effort calculations outside the Workload chart was ignored even if the "Displayed tasks only" option had been selected. Example: When the "All active tasks" filter was selected, in the allocated effort outside the Workload chart all tasks with all statuses were calculated including Completed and Cancelled tasks.
- The User cell was highlighted in red only if the allocated effort on this chart exceeded the user's daily capacity. The allocated effort outside the Workload chart was ignored.
- If the filter "by Status" is applied and the "Displayed tasks only" option is selected, the allocated effort outside this Workload chart is calculated based on the selected filters. Example: When the "All active tasks" filter is selected, in the allocated effort outside this Workload chart only "Active tasks" are calculated.
- The User cell is now highlighted in red if the total user allocation (from this chart and other charts) exceeds the User's daily capacity.
- Onboarding Templates - New Design ๐จ

- AI Recommended Tasks - Title Change ๐ฆพ
- Proofing - File Permalinks Converted in Proofing Comments ๐
- Table View - Task Updates Won't Show Up Without Refresh
- Printing Folders and Projects Was Not Working
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Wow, many nice updates! I'm most exited to try the advanced search function. Good idea to use capitals to specify the logic functions. I think the functionality should be expanded to every search area asap.
Thanks for:
"Search - More Search Commands Added,"
The increased automation rules!
"Table View - Task Updates Won't Show Up Without Refresh"
Looking forward to the expanded number of automation rules as well as the added search functionality!
LOVE "Last update" in the task stream.ย Possible to highlight the last or every place I have been @ mentioned in that comment stream?ย I'm often receiving comments in tasks and don't have a chance to read them all, and miss some of them because I'm only often reading the most recent comment made.
Definitely our teams are liking the jump links / last updates shortcut - very helpful!ย Still hoping to have additional items to apply filters to comments - activities, comments in the stream, comments from review/proofing
Thanks @everyone, for taking the time to share your thoughts here! Happy to hear you like the updates ๐
I've noticed the jump to last update and its been a huge help.ย
I know my team will make full use of those extra automation rules. We are up to 15-20 and its just for really basic stuff.ย
Whew, a great list this week.
Task Updates Won't Show Up Without Refresh is still broken for me. I use the browser version and am still having to refresh to see changes in the table view.ย
๐ more automation!
Looking forward to explore more of the Workload.
I am new to the Wrike tool, but excited to learn the tool and align with all the new improvements that have been released.ย ย
I love the concept of the updated search commands - but not sure it's actually working correctly.ย
I shared with my team the increased search functionality right away! Love it
Hello @everyone, thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us, it's much appreciated ๐๐ผ
I definitely have had the table refresh issue. I would love more template options added someday!
Loving these updates! Any improvements to Search are exciting, and I'm interested in looking through some of the new templates for inspiration.
Glad to hear you like the updates Carolanne Mak!
Great job, Wrike Team! Keep it up... productivity rises when these improvements roll out. Thanks!
So happy to hear that Susan Angustiaย ๐ค
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover