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Using Workspace Search in Wrike

Table 1. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: ; Availability: Legacy Free, Legacy Professional, Legacy Business, Legacy Enterprise.

Table 2. Availability

Unavailability: ; Availability: Free, Professional, Team, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


All users can use the Wrike workspace search.

Use the search box in Wrike’s workspace to quickly find relevant work. Wrike uses advanced machine learning and personalized results to help you find the items you need.

From one place, you can search for tasks, projects, custom items, folders, spaces, data in custom fields, comments in tasks, request forms, reports, files, and other members of your account. The results are classified by category for your convenience, optimizing visibility and understanding. Use search commands to filter and find tasks, folders, or projects that meet specific criteria.


Only Regular Users, Admins, or Owners can search for a user by name or email. External Users and Collaborators do not have this option.

Use search


Press CMD + K for mac users to open the search box.

To search for tasks, folders, projects, spaces, data in custom fields, comments in tasks, request forms, reports, files, and users among all items you have access to:

  1. Click the Search 1 icon in the sidebar to open the search box.

  2. Type an item’s or a person’s name, use keywords to search, or use the ID number.

  3. Select the item you’re looking for from the list when it appears.

  4. If the item you're searching for doesn't show up right away as you type in the search box, click Show more 2 to see additional results for each of the categories.

  5. To see the full list of tasks that match your search criteria, click the Search icon 3 or press Enter after typing your search keyword.


    Press the Back button (CMD + left arrow for Mac users or use the backspace keyboard button for Windows users) within the complete search results list to return to the window you had open before initiating the search.


Wrike searches everywhere by default. If you start the search while you're in a folder, project, or space, you can use the tabs under the search field 4 to show results from only the current folder/project or space.

You can use the search to quickly access different areas of your workspace. For example, if you type "Timesheets" in search, you'll see the Suggested area 5 in the quick search panel. When you type into the search bar, Wrike offers suggestions based on your query. This means that if you search for terms like "Blueprints," "Request forms," "Schedule," "Custom fields," etc. the search bar will suggest links related to those topics.


The links you see in suggestions depend on your role in the account and your current location in the workspace. Depending on your permissions, you might see a link to the Timesheets area in your workspace. If you're an account admin, you'll also find the Manage timesheets link to the Timelog tab in the account settings.



Recent tasks display tasks you opened recently. To review what you've recently viewed, click the search icon in the sidebar.

To view more tasks, click More recent tasks 6 and you'll see a list of tasks arranged by your latest views, with the newest ones at the top.

Search Results

The search results interface in Wrike uses the Table view format, allowing you to rearrange and add columns for a more tailored display of your data. Your customizations are saved across different search sessions, providing a personalized and consistent experience each time you search. This flexibility gives you greater control over how you view and interact with your search results.


Use Filters 7 to display only relevant search results in the list. You can also print the search results or export them to Excel. To do this, click the three-dot menu 8 button. Additionally, you can show folder names and duration for items in the search list.

Tips & tricks

  • In the list that appears when you enter a search term, right-click an item in the drop-down to copy a hyperlink to it or open it in a separate tab.

    This won't work for files. However, you can hold CTRL on Windows or CMD on Mac and click the file to open it in a new tab.

  • You can also click your mouse's scroll wheel to open an item in a separate tab.

    When you use your mouse's scroll wheel to click an attachment, Wrike downloads it to your computer instead of opening in a new tab.

  • Click a file (from search results) to open it. For locally stored files, the name of the task, folder, or project where the item is attached is listed at the top of the window.
