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Custom fields in Board view

Table 7. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: Legacy Free, Legacy Professional; Availability: Legacy Business, Legacy Enterprise.

Table 8. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional; Availability: Team, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


In the Board view, users with appropriate rights can select which fields to view on cards and edit those custom fields’ properties directly from the view.

Creating Custom Fields

Only account admins and owners can create new account-level custom fields in folders, projects, and Spaces unless their access role restricts it.On all accounts, by default, Space admins and Space members can create Space-level custom fields, but this right can be restricted for Space members.


Collaborators and external users can’t create custom fields of any level, even if they're part of a Space where Space members are allowed to create Space-level fields.

  1. Open a folder, project or a space in the Board view.

  2. Click the Cards option 1.

  3. Click + Custom field 2 from the dropdown menu that appears.

  4. Enter a name 3 and select the type 4 of custom field that you want to create.

  5. Fill in the details required depending on the type.

  6. Select the location of the custom field from the Belongs to 5 option.

  7. Select where you want to apply 6 your custom field (tasks, projects, folders or projects and folders or projects only).

  8. Click Create 7.


Editing Custom fields

To edit existing custom fields from the Board view:

  1. Click on Cards 1 option from the toolbar.

  2. Hover over a custom field which you want to edit and click on the three-dot menu 2which appears.

  3. Select Change field settings 3.

  4. A pop-up appears from which you can edit the Field name, Type, Formula, Format, Ownership, and Scope of application 4 (to tasks, folders, and projects, or only certain item types).

  5. Click Save 5.


Managing Custom fields visibility

  1. Custom fields (optional):  You can select which custom fields should show up on a card. Click the Cards option from the toolbar and enable/disable the fields you want to display using the toggle icon.

  2. Under General fields section, you can turn these options on or off:

    • Cover image: displays a thumbnail of the first attachment to the task or task-based item.

    • Days in status: indicates how many days a task or task-based custom item has been in its current status up to 4 days, displaying a small rectangle for each day. If a task has been in a status for over 4 days, hovering over these rectangles will display a hint stating when the status was last changed.

    • Location.

    • Author.

    • ID.

    • Item type.

  3. Under Schedule fields section, you can turn these options on or off:

    • Start date

    • Created date

    • Completed date

    • Last modified date

    • Duration

    • Effort
