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Dynamic Request Forms

Table 13. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: Legacy Free, Legacy Professional; Availability: Legacy Business, Legacy Enterprise.

Table 14. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team; Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


Space admins can manage request forms in their spaces. Account admins and owners can manage account-level request forms. On Enterprise accounts, this right can be revoked from account admins.

You can create request forms that are tailored based on the responses a user gives, varying the questions that are asked.

In addition, the task or project that's created can have different attributes according to the responses given.


There are 2 types of forms in Wrike - account-level request forms and request forms in spaces. Space forms can use blueprints, custom fields, and custom item types only if they belong to the same space as the form. The same applies to the target location - it can only be located in that exact space. You can choose additional spaces in the space form settings under "Other spaces" to allow using blueprints, custom fields, custom item types, and target locations from those spaces. The form would still belong to the original space where it was created.

Find out more about what dynamic request forms can do and learn how to set them up:

  • Specify which questions (which page) a respondent should see next here.

  • Designate additional assignees or project owners here.

  • Add the submitted form to additional parent folders here.

  • Add subtasks or subprojects to the submitted form here.

  • Override the original selection and create or duplicate a different project or task here.

  • Replace the original task blueprint or project blueprint with a task/project from another blueprint here.

  • Change the status of the submitted form here.

  • Set up approvals for the task or project created here.
