[Status: Not Planned] Ability to sort task list view by DUE date instead of START date.
The task list view can be sorted by DATE (Which should read "Start Date" for clarity IMO), but can only be sorted by START date and not by DUE date. For us the DUE date is most important. Ideally the sort by list would include a choice of "Start Date" and "Due Date".
Hi Doug, happy to see this already has a few +1s. Thanks for sharing here!
Not sure if this is the right place to mention it, but also sort dates in descending so that we can see most current to oldest. There is another post that only got +1 with a similar request. In my opinion descending should be default behavior, o/w you usually see old stuff you don't really care about, and then have to scroll down to find current tasks.
Hi Prashant, thanks for commenting here! Let me know if I'm referring to another post right now, but I think you mean the one about sorting by completed date? That one is somewhat similar, but I think that the suggestion you have here isn't on the Community yet, and it would be great to see it as a separate post so others could easily find and vote for it too. :)
My collegues and I prefer to have the option to sort by deadline (not due date / start date). Because some people put a due date and some only put a deadline (one day).
The sorting by deadline is a very important feature for us, to avoid important tasks to be forgotten. I hope you will develop a new feature that allows soting by deadline.
Thank you.
Hi Randa, thanks for commenting here! Just wanted to clarify, do you use milestones to indicate deadlines, or do you schedule tasks for one day?
Sometimes milestone, sometimes schedule 1 day due date, ande some times longer due dates. We are more than 25 users. People work in different ways.
Randa, thank you for following up! Am I understanding correctly that the main confusion is caused by team members using different methods of entering data?
Yes, that is a part of it.
Randa, got it, thank you. Really appreciate the additional info!
Doug, I just wanted to let you know that currently when you apply sorting by date, tasks are sorted by due date and not by start date. Please let me know if you still see different behavior in your Workspace, I’ll be happy to help sort this out.
Anna G Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Infórmate sobre las funciones y prácticas recomendadas de Wrike
Anna G Wrike Team member Infórmate sobre las funciones y prácticas recomendadas de Wrike
In fact having the possibility to sort either way we want (by due or start date) should be available. One could show when to trigger a task while the other show when they are supposed to be completed. Two different informations for two different type of planning
@Anna G
This is in response to your note to Doug: "when you apply sorting by date, tasks are sorted by due date and not by start date. Please let me know if you still see different behavior in your Workspace, I’ll be happy to help sort this out."
I would like some help. Although tasks sort by due date within the Subcategories (Overdue, Today, Next Week, etc.), the tasks in the attached screen print that are under "Today" are not actually due today (Aug 18).
Although they are sorted under "Today" by their due date, I would prefer to only see those tasks that are due today under the subcategory "Today." so if the tasks are being sorted by due date, then the subcategories should be by due date also, otherwise two different methodologies are being used which is confusing.
Is there a way to either sub-categorize by the due date or turn the subcategories off?
Hello Joshua, thanks for such a detailed explanation and a screenshot! While it is not possible at the moment, your feedback makes perfect sense and I will make sure to bring it to the attention of the PM who is in charge of sorting in Wrike. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Anna G Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Infórmate sobre las funciones y prácticas recomendadas de Wrike
Anna G Wrike Team member Infórmate sobre las funciones y prácticas recomendadas de Wrike
Our team struggles with finding a way of truly understanding what is most important today in Wrike. The lack of a widget that tells us exactly what is due today, tomorrow and the rest of the week is frustrating and leads to a sense of the entire team not trusting the data they see in Wrike. This lack of trust leads to falling back on old systems like email, Basecamp and Excel. I've had team members start to create their own PM solutions in Excel since we implemented Wrike. Any help getting these boards straightened out would be greatly appreciated by all.
+1 to Tom Napper
I spent 1 week in Wrike and although it gives a lot of opportunities to manage my team, it lacks a lot of common functions. I can't build common dashboard ByDueDate because it shows tasks under Today which are not actually due.
I managed to build a dashboard with:
Due today widget
Due tomorrow widget
No due date widget
But I am not able to build All other tasks widget - it just replicates the tasks from the previous three widgets and it's totally useless.
Please, can you introduce more usable filter syntax, with OR, NOR, AND operators? It is done in Planfix Project management which I swiched from recently, so I know this is doable.
Hi Глеб, I would love a little more detail here were you looking for individual widgets? For example, one that shows tasks which aren't due today, one that shows tasks which aren't due tomorrow, etc or would you like to see one widget which shows tasks which aren't due today, tomorrow, or backlogged?
Stephanie, I want to be able to build both scenarios.
For example,
1. build 5 separate widgets "by day of current week, by due date" (due=finish date of the task). If i have a task monday-wednesday, it would show up in Wednesday widget, not anywhere else
2. Build 6th widget with all other tasks, not in previous widgets (in other solutions it is doable by specifining "take all tasks which are due", "exclude tasks which are due this week/or on mondays,tuesdays, wednesdays, etc.")
This is a handy mechanism and it gives me freedom in building widgets the way I want.
Below is the screenshot with the example how I ogranized my work in other software. I am trying to replicated it in Wrike :). Please, note that any single task is never shown in more than one widget.
@Глеб That helps to explain! Right now the first step you describe is possible, but I see how you would use the functionality that you describe in the second step and in the screenshot. We're passing this use case on to the team, thank you!
Please add this option to wrike!! Currently the "sort by date" function takes into account the start date of a project. This means that the order of projects in a widget is not really sorted by due date. I have projects that are due in two weeks showing up before projects that are due in 2 days - because of the start dates. This makes it really hard to view my work. I have to create many widgets on my dashboard in order to get around the fact that sorting is not chronological. If there was an option to sort by due date only (not start date), I could use less widgets, have a better view of my projects and it would be so much simpler.
I understand that start dates are important, but no one in my organization updates start dates to tell people when to start working on projects. So at the moment, it just messes up the view. Please please please add another option to sort by due date only!
Definitely agree with this! It would be great to set the "sort by" option to "sort by due date" instead of start date.
Is this being evaluated?
Can this please be added? It's very confusing having things sort by due date, but then show up in the "Today/Tomorrow/This week" sections according to start date. This means things show up in the today section that are not actually due for weeks! (see Doug's earlier post). It would make much more sense to have the Today/Tomorrow/This week sections calculated using the due date. (in both "My To-do" and Dashboard widgets)
Hi everyone! Thanks a lot for supporting this suggestion. Our Product team is aware of this request and we continue to pass on new comments too. For now they are not planning to add this, but they are definitely listening, so please share your use cases if you can. Thank you again!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I am also am struggling a bit with the inability to sort by due date. I agree that there should be an option to "sort by start date" or "sort by due date". This would greatly help tracking what needs attention in the list and board views particularly.
Hi Andy Bennett, thank you for this feedback. It's been passed on to the Product team 😊
Would like to add my +1 to this. Our team was discussing internally this morning - this is a big issue for all of us in managing our projects. For example, I have tasks that show up in my "Today" container that are not due until several months from now, but they show up in my "Today" container persistently because their start date is today or earlier. As a result, my tasks that are truly due tomorrow or later this week are shuffled below this list of much less urgent tasks. It would be incredibly helpful to be able to group into the "Today," "Tomorrow," and "This Week" containers based on due date, not start date. Thanks!
Thank you for providing your use-case, Karina Sansom, I'm passing your feedback on to the team!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi all,
Our team would also like to request the Dashboard feature to sort a task widget by due date. What does the "sort by Date" even do? It's not submitted, start date, or due date. I saw in another thread that it sorts by most "urgent," but am unsure what that means. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Megan Mesick, thank you for reaching out! Here's a detailed article on sorting in the List View. Please check it out, it describes sorting by importance and priority, which is I think what you mean by "urgent". And please let me know if you have any questions, I'll be happy to discuss 🙂
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
1000% in support of the OP. Just spent 30 minutes chatting with Laura from Wrike trying to figure out why I couldn't sort by due date. She didn't seem to get it either. Then I found this thread. Please just add a sort by box that says "due date" and this would be fixed. A core functionality of PM software is to clearly show what is due and when.
Also, this thread is nearly identical to this one: Sort by due date - Dashboard view – Wrike Help Center
and Please Add Sort by Due/End Date to Dashboard Widgets – Wrike Help Center
People who posted and updated here should also do so on those threads.