Sort by due date - Dashboard view

In the Dashboard view when you sort by date it would be helpful if it sorted by the task Due Date (what date is it sorting by?). See in the screen shot below:

"Today" task: correct, due 2/27.

"Tomorrow" task: incorrect, due 3/2 (and not ready for me to work on yet).

"This week" task incorrect: due 3/9 (ready for me to work on by tomorrow if previous task completed today).

"Next week" tasks seem to make sense.





Upvote 33
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Hi Robin, thanks for posting!

The sections show tasks that are scheduled to be worked on. Can you check, for example, the scheduling start date and end date to start working on the task, 'PM-r1 review'? Though the due date might be 3rd March, the start date for the task might be tomorrow. This is why it's showing in this section.

Looking forward to your reply 🙂

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Hi Stephen, 

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

After looking into my tasks, it looks to me like the date that appears in the Dashboard is the actual due date - not the start date. Which is great, that's what I want. 

However, my confusion/question is that in the instances shown in the screen shot, the sorting by TODAY, NEXT WEEK, etc., doesn't always appear consistent, and that can and will cause issues. 

For example - in the screen shot it says THIS WEEK > Print delivery > March 9. That date is most definitely NOT this week, that was (and still is) next week. Do you see where that could be confusing? I have several others that don't make sense like that - where they're listed under NEXT WEEK and they are definitely farther out.

Is there something I'm not seeing or understanding? Are the sorting categories like TODAY, NEXT WEEK, and NEXT MONTH indicating that you can START work today, next week, or next month - but the dates listed are the due dates? We rather the "categories" and dates listed only pertain to the due date. OR, remove the "categories" (TODAY, NEXT WEEK, and NEXT MONTH) if they don't/won't/can't pertain to the actual due date itself.

Any clarity would be greatly appreciated. 


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Hi Stephen, is there a way to sort by due date only? It's super confusing the way it's organized now - at least for me. 

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The filter "Due Date" just doesn't make sense, like Robin has outlined above. For example:

When using the filter "Due Date" and selecting "this week" - the widget pulls all tasks with a due date in the current week (great!). But when it further sorts the tasks into "Overdue, Today, Tomorrow, Later," it groups the tasks based on start date (why not due date, like the filter suggests?).

The date today is January 10 - the task with due date January 11 (but with a duration January 9 - 11, like is shown) should fall into tomorrow, not today.

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I'm having the same problem. To me, "Due Date" implies when the task finishes. When I sort by "Due this week" I only want to see things that have a due date this week; otherwise, I'm inundated with a huge task list of ongoing tasks.

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Has there been any movement on this? Just starting to use Wrike and I would like to be able to sort just by due date as well, not the duration/start date of the projects.

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I'm not aware of any movement on this.

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I am looking for a fix for this as well. 

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Has there been any progress on sorting by Due Date without grouping the tasks in to Today, Tomorrow, Next Week, etc.?

This continues to be an issue the muddies the accurate prioritization of our work toward often-competing deadlines.  



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Nothing I've seen or heard thus far, and we just eclipsed the 2-year mark from the initial post so I'm thinking this probably isn't going anywhere...

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I would also like the Today/Tomorrow/Next Week grouping to be sorted by due date rather than start date please

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Hi everybody, thank you for all of your feedback here. This is currently not planned by the Product team. If there are any updates, I'll let you know.

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Ran in to this as well on our widgets. We can filter by due date yet only sort by, what appears to be, start date (it just says date). It would be nice to be able to sort by Start Date or Due Date. We should be able to sort essentially by any field, even custom fields - just as we can filter by them. 

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Hi Brittany Ayers, thank you for this feedback! It's been passed on to the Product team.

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@... - any chance it could get added to the product team's list? It really is a huge inconvenience for users. 

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Hi Jessica Vodden, thank you for your feedback here! It's been passed on to the Product team.

I don't have an update about this thread at the moment, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.

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Good morning Hugh

We are integrating Wrike into our planning tools with more focus lately and consequently, I want to expand my knowledge of it. The very first hurdle I come across is related exactly to this topic. As a project planning tool, I am surprised not to be able to sort my tasks by the due date. I would consider this a fundamental and strongly encourage this to be considered as a 'must-have' feature.

I hope this lends weight to the topic, it can only end well :)

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Hey Simon Holt, welcome to the Community!

Thank you for sharing this feedback, it's been sent to the Product team. If you have any other feedback / use cases, be sure to let me know!

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@... any chance we can put some additional pressure on this request? It's been open for over two years and feels like it should be a fairly simple update - if you want to filter by Due Date, update the code to look at the field "Due Date". Tasks that are not due "Today" should not fall under "Today" in the widget - even if you could be doing it "Today" because of the timeline associated with the task.

If "adding pressure" isn't going to do anything, can you at least provide some information about why it is set up the way it is, and why it can't be changed? Just curious more than anything at this point since I've been dealing with it for a year and a half now.


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We continue to struggle with this problem as well. Our workaround has been to remove the Start dates for all tasks, but then we're losing that data point in the reporting. It would absolutely help our process to be able to sort a dashboard by due date. Thanks!

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Please add this.

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I'm very surprised that this still isn't added -- sorting by due date should be a basic ability for any project management tool. Why hasn't this been a priority?

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Checking back on this - Hugh said on June 6,2020, that this request would be sent to the Product team. Seems like this feature would benefit a lot of users, while in the meantime (2.5 years after my initial post about this) I see other updates/releases that don't seem to add anything to my experience with Wrike. I love this product and just want it to keep getting better. Thanks!😊

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Hey everyone! Thanks a lot for your continued support for the suggested functionality; I'm passing all your feedback to the Product team.

The team has this suggestion on their radar, but it can't be fit into the roadmap at the moment. At the same time, as I mentioned before, the team understands the need here.

What can help in prioritizing is more upvotes for the original post by Robin Harris. That will help the team understand the amount of interest for this.

Thanks again for your feedback!


Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Would like to add my +1 to this. Our team was discussing internally this morning - this is a big issue for all of us in managing our projects. For example, I have tasks that show up in my "Today" container that are not due until 6 months from now, but they show up in my "Today" container persistently because their start date is today or earlier. As a result, my tasks that are truly due tomorrow or later this week are shuffled below this list of much less urgent tasks. Would be incredibly helpful to be able to group into containers based on due date, not start date. Thanks!

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1000% in support of the OP.  Just spent 30 minutes chatting with Laura from Wrike trying to figure out why I couldn't sort by due date.  She didn't seem to get it either.  Then I found this thread.  Please just add a sort by box that says "due date" and this would be fixed.  A core functionality of PM software is to clearly show what is due and when.  

Also, this thread is nearly identical to these: Ability to sort task list view by DUE date instead of START date. – Wrike Help Center


Please Add Sort by Due/End Date to Dashboard Widgets – Wrike Help Center

People who posted and updated here should also do so on those.  (It would be nice if the mods could aggregate votes so they weren't watered down.) 

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Thank you Andrew Boekestein 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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We are currently deciding our Project management software and Wrike has most of the features we want except for this very basic one which as others have said is a fundamental and honestly 'no-brainer' feature of any Task management software. So much so that I can't believe it has lingered in the 'not a priority' pile for years and that the comments above state that it 'can't be fit into our roadmap'. Fit it in, please. I have used wrike in other jobs and I am trying to champion it to my new project so that we can sign up - but it is honestly hard to do so without knowing you are going to fix this most basic of problems.

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Hi Rachel Morgain, apologies for the late reply here! I was checking with the Product team to see if they have plans for this. They don't for now; I'll continue to pass on the feedback from this thread to them.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Please please please can we add sort by DUE DATE?   What is its priority ranking at the moment for in the Product roadmap?  Can you please add to next sprint?  I will personally thank the product owner and scrum master if they can get this done.  Thanks!


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