Wrike Session: Work Hacks

Hi everyone, we loved hearing from you during the webinar! Here's some follow-up from today's session:
  • 1-pager with Tips and Tricks that we mentioned during the session. 
  • Recording from today's webinar.
  • Question and answer recap from today's session (check the comments below).
If you're looking for onboarding sessions or Ask the Experts check them out and sign up on our webinars page: www.wrike.com/webinar.
P.S. We love questions, so if you have something on your mind, feel free to add a comment below. 
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Hi -

Below is a list of the Q&A that was asked during the Wrike Work Hacks session. Feel free to add more questions to this thread if you have any that we didn't get to.

What are Ask the Expert sessions, how do I sign up?

  • Ask the Expert sessions are live Q&A sessions with a Customer Success Manager where you get a chance to ask questions about your unique use case. They occur weekly and are topical. You can register on our Webinar portal. If you can’t find a session time/topic that works for you let us know.

What is Wrike Labs and where can I find it?

  • Wrike Labs is our testing ground. We don’t put everything there before we roll it out, but it’s a great place to find some of the things we’re working on. Check it out to see some exciting new features.

Where do I find basic intro sessions for learning about Wrike?

  • We have a lot of great resources to help you get started with Wrike. If you like interactive online training sessions, try Getting Started. If you like written materials you can use our Getting Started pages to learn the basics of Wrike - there’s a separate walkthrough for admins and for users.  

I have product feedback, where can I submit it?

  • We would love to hear your ideas for Wrike! You can find an existing post to +1 in our Product Feedback section or create your own post if you don’t see anything existing already. We read every post on the forums and make sure to pass feedback to our Product team from these threads - so if you want to share feedback on Wrike, this is the place to do it.

How do you attach files?

  • There's a step-by-step on our Attachments page, but basically you want to open a Task, Folder, or Project and then click the paperclip icon.

How do Dashboards work?

  • Dashboards let you see tasks from a particular Folder or Project (or from your entire account). You’ll use filters to create a Custom Widget which lets you see a very particular set of tasks. This is one of my favorite features for monitoring tasks and knowing what needs to be worked on or checking on how things are going.

How do you create User Groups?

  • Instead of @mentioning individual people or sharing tasks one by one, take advantage of User Groups. Admin’s can create a User Group from their Account Management section.

How do you set up and use a template?

  • Our Templates page is a great place to start - it has written instructions going over how to use and create a template. We also have an Ask the Expert session targeted around managing high volumes and repetitive work. And then of course we always have the Community forums, so as soon as you start working on your template we can help and give feedback about your specific use case. :)

Can you restrict who is able to change a task’s status?

  • If someone has Wrike credentials there's no way to restrict their right to change a status. That said, it is something that people have requested and you can +1 the request on George’s thread.

How do you create Custom Workflows?

  • Admins can create Custom Workflows for their account and once created anyone in the account is able to use them. Check out our help center page Custom Workflows for details on how to create a workflow.

If a task is tagged in multiple Folders, can I complete it from anywhere?

  • Yes, once you mark the task complete, it is marked completed everywhere. A good way to think about it is that it’s one task, it's just "stored" in multiple locations. So no matter where you access it from, it's the same task.

How do you create dependencies?

  • You can create dependencies from the Timeline View. In order to see a task on the Timeline, it needs to be scheduled (needs to have start/end dates). After that you can just click and drag between tasks to create dependencies. More details on our Dependencies Help Center page.

How do I find a task or Project?

  • You can use task and Project search to look for items within your Workspace. Task search is located in the Workspace’s upper right-hand corner and Folder/Project search is at the top of the Folder tree. We also have a new feature in Wrike Labs “Recent tasks in search” that I think might be helpful.

If I don’t include the @ symbol, who sees the comment?

  • If someone can see a task, then they can also see all the comments left on that task. Using @mentions is great if you want to draw someone's attention to that particular comment. @Mentions can also be helpful depending on people’s email notification settings. For example, some people may have all of their notifications turned off except for @mention notifications.

How can I create a personal/private Folder?

  • To create a private Folder you want to create a Folder at the very top level (instead of creating a Folder within another Folder/Project). Our page on Sharing goes over the logic a little more and our Folders page has the steps you can follow to create a private Folder. After you create the Folder you can always double check who it's shared with just to make absolutely sure.

How can I stop someone from following a Task/Folder/Project?

  • You can remove someone as a follower of a Folder if you don’t want them to get as many notifications. Check out how to remove someone on our Following page. Just remember, sharing and following are different, so you can remove someone as a follower, but the item is still be shared with them.

Can I link to an attachment?

  • You can’t send a url link to a specific attachment in Wrike. We do have a request for this on our forums though and it would be great to have you +1 that request if you’re interested in having something like that.

Kamini Patel Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Kamini Patel Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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