Each assignee must complete the task

I want to create a task list of 50+ tasks, let's call it a "master list". Then, I need to share that task list with 31 operations managers so that they can track their individual progress against the list (the operations managers do not need to see each other's progress). Since I am maintaining the "master list", I can always add/edit tasks and those adds/edits would be reflected on the lists of the 31 operations managers.

I tried doing this by assigning multiple assignees to a task but that functionality allows any assignee to complete the task as opposed to each assignee completing the task.

How can I accomplish the above?

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Hi Arely, thanks for reaching out here! Depending on the structure of your workflow and how many people should be working on certain tasks, I have a few suggestions:

  • If you need a single task list, try keeping only one assignee on each task. If a particular task requires multiple assignees, you can create subtasks for each of the users. This will allow them to complete their part of the assignment individually, and then the parent task can be competed by a supervisor or by the last user finishing up their subtask.
  • If all operations managers have the same set of tasks, but each set needs to tracked individually, I recommend trying out templates. Create a Folder with the master task list, and then use the duplication functionality to copy it for each manager. This will ensure that they see only their own tasks, and compete only the ones they are working on.

Would any of these options help? Happy to discuss this further and answer any additional questions! :)

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I also would like this functionality to have multiple assignees assigned to a task but be able to track the status of each one instead of having it limited to only one status per task.

Meaning, if 3 out of the 5 assignees on a task complete it, I want to be able to differentiate between who completed, who is still in progress, etc. for that specific task.


Manually creating subtasks for the many tasks I have would require a new hire just to do all that with the amount of tasks we have for each project.

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Hi Isaac, thanks for commenting here! It sounds like Project duplication based on a template could help here. Are the Projects you work on similar/repeating?

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One very simple solution would be for Wrike to automatically duplicate all tasks when you assign multiple assignees. That would go very much in line with your philosophy of always having one person responsible for each task, don't you think?

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Cornelia, that's interesting. I think there are scenarios that go both ways - sometimes each person may need to complete the task, but there are also scenarios where people would be working toward the same goal and the task would only have to be completed once (in the latter case you wouldn't need the duplicates). I would love to hear how your team currently approaches this situation? Do you use templates or maybe checkboxes within the description field?

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Hi Stephanie. Thank you for your interest. I agree that there are both types of tasks: some that have multiple assignees and need to be completed only once, and some that each person has to do individually and therefore duplication would make handling those much easier. We have been using templates so far, but for the one creating or managing those tasks it is much unnecessary workload, still. For each duplication at least 1 or 2 clicks. Therefore, I would like to encourage making an automatic duplication option a feature in the future. ;)

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Stephanie Westbrook

I particularly love talking about processes, so enjoy these conversations. We have the feedback recorded, so if you want we can talk a little more about the templates you have. I'm sure you guys have already fully built yours out, but if you haven't (or want to make sure you have) let me know and we can see if there's anything we can add to your template task Folder to try and save some clicks. For example, you can use Request forms to launch a Project from a template and I'm wondering if that would help in some cases. 

If you do want to, let me know about how your templates are currently set up (do you have assignees added etc) and what you would need each subtask to show. 

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Thanks you for trying to help out but unfortunately your suggestions will not work for us.
The best thing here that would accomplish our goal is to add this feature request to your product roadmap, heck, I'd even be your first beta tester.
I would be happy to discuss this further over the phone if you are looking for ideas on how to best build something like this out. Thanks.

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Isaac, we love beta testers and I guarantee we're passing this feedback request on to our product managers, but can't promise that something will be added to the roadmap (that is ultimately up to the PMs). That said, if they do work on this and want to talk to someone in more detail, we will make sure to let you know :)

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I'm picking this topic up again because i just came across a similar use-case that would solve this issue as well. And maybe (hopefully) there's already something like this on the product roadmap....

What the posters here want is to get each and every person assigned to Do - or Approve - one task.

-> So: I as a task creator want multiple people to approve my task so that I can see who did and who didn't already Approve (or complete) the task.


The UI for this could look similar to the Subtasks, where there's a progress bar on top and a list of user names with check boxes underneath.

Of course each "Approver" needs to get notified and see the task in his/her My Work section.


This feature would also be very helpful with requests that need approval from several parties!

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Phil, that's an interesting way of looking at it, I really appreciate the info you added here! Thank you for bumping the topic, these ideas are really helpful for our Product Team.

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I'm in a similar situation-- say I need every student in the research group to write and submit their bio for the website. Either I have to create and assign 50+ subtasks, or ask them not to mark the task as complete--which inevitably doesn't work out, and I can't tell how many people I'm still looking for. I would love a feature similar to how Google calendar handles invites: message/tag those who responded 'yes/complete', 'maybe/in progress', 'no/not started', which also shows me how many users are in each category.


The suggestion to auto-duplicate items seems absolutely perfect. Maybe it would require a checkbox option when creating the task: Group task (if any assignee marks as complete, it's complete) or Individual (each assignee must complete individually).

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@Matt, Thanks for your input here .


@Wrike, can we get this on the roadmap please? We should have enough justification and volume here in need of this enhancement.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Matt thanks for the idea here, that's an interesting suggestion, I hadn't thought of how Google does it. If you haven't already added a +1 to the original post please go ahead and do that.

@Isaac, we're continuing to share your feedback with our Product team and we're working on the relationship between tasks and subtasks (but no concrete dates around that yet). 

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Yes this is important for us as we have group tasks for our team that each person needs to complete (ie review a document). It'd be extremely tedious to create multiple tasks each time. Plus, comments made aren't as easily accessible on the core, main task. 



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Yes! Thank you for picking this up again @Chris!  Still can't find this functionality here or with any other application.

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We often have a similar situation.

When we need e.g. 20 users to complete the same task, and want to keep track of their task status, we manually duplicate 20 subtasks and assign the 20 users one by one to the separate (but identical) subtasks.

Its time consuming and confusing to: Manually duplicate 20 subtasks,  make sure the right users are added to the subtasks.

It would be nice, if it was possible to add a group of users to a task/subtask, and then have the choice to either:

1: One in the group can complete the task/subtask.

2: All the users have to complete to task/subtask

"check boxes" in the task doesn’t give possibility to track if users have completed the task.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Chris It looks like you have Proofing and Approvals on your plan. With Approvals, there's actually a review process specifically for documents so that you can assign reviewers and then each person designated as a reviewer needs to give their approval. Curious if you've checked out that functionality or if there's something about it that doesn't work for your team?

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Would like to note that we'd love this feature as well - we use wrike with our students and often want to assign tasks to all of them, without individually duplicating and assigning each task. Would love to be able to create one task, assign it to all of them, and track which of them completed the task. 

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This feature would be very useful.

I am currently starting up wirke in our company and I want to create Task like: Watch the Wrike tutorial videos
For every user, this way I can be sure everyone does the task, instead of one person markin it as completed.

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I agree I can see many situations where an easy method to have multiple people or even the entire team individually mark something as in progress/completed would be very helpful and creating individual subtasks, especially for large groups is a big waste of time. If there was a button that would pop up when you have multiple assignees to perform a "Expand assignee list into separate subtasks" or something like that would be great...

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Hi, we use a simple workaround - assign the task to all who need to complete it, then when they've completed:

- @mention the task manager in a message at the bottom of the task, and

- remove/unassign themselves from the task

That way the task manager knows who's completed and who hasn't at any stage, in fact they have a record of when (when a person unassigns themselves a note is made under the task).

I hope this helps!

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@Gina, thanks for posting this, I think it's a great idea! 

@Everyone, please let us know what you think of Gina's workaround 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I think Gina's suggestion will be very useful for our company, at least for now. But we would prefer the feature presented by the community before: a person could either click to finish his/her part or to finish the whole task. Unless you know some work philosophy that works better than this or than Gina's idea...

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I especially agree with the comments from Cornelia and Chris above. I like the workarounds presented in theory, but in practice at our organization, they are either tedious for users, or don't capture the information we'd like to see from each user with regard to their task activity in our weekly reports.

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Hey everyone, thank you for sharing your feedback here! It's been passed on to the Product team.

One possible workaround for this would be using the advanced settings for Approvals. This way, you can set it so that when everyone has completed a task, they can approve it and it will automatically complete the task for you. Approvers can also leave comments when they select "approved" or "rejected", so you can find more context for how a task was done or why it wasn't.

Let me know if this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out.

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Hi All, I am pulling this thread back up as it seems there is still no real solution. 😔

In my organization, we have many situations where we require multiple stakeholders to offer input or complete a small section as part of a wider task. 

For a while, we have been using the workaround suggested by Gina Meibusch of assigning 1 task to multiple people and asking them to remove themselves once the task is complete. The main issue with this it once all assignees of the task have removed themselves the task sits with no one attached to it and the project stalls.

@ Wrike Please can you add the duplicated subtasks and add a feature such as the one recommended by  Les Kent in the thread above. 


It is clear that this is a feature that many of your users require and have been requesting for 3 years with still no progress. Wrike Admin please can you listen to the community and add these features. 

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Hi Harry King! Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback.

Have you tried using task approvals for this as Hugh suggested above? Please let me know what you think! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I’m going to bump this thread. Won’t lie, watching the community engagement from Wrike would be a lot better if the advice matched the business needs the community is describing.

I have one task that I need many people to complete Individually. Each individual must account for their own hours and supply their own information into the task.

What is required is a way of creating a group task, which allows you to create one “group task” that when you assign users to it, automatically creates sub tasks.

Truthfully, it was faster in Azure DevOps to upload an excel sheet of tasks to complete this than it would be to apply any of the suggested workarounds.

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Thank you Dustin Heathers, and welcome to the Community!

I continue to pass on your feedback and the votes count here; once the original post reaches 60 upvotes, we'll be adding a product status here 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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