Legacy Free
This is a legacy plan and it was available to users signed up before 7/1/2021. Learn more about our new Free plan here, or about all the available plans here.
Free Wrike accounts are made for individuals or teams of up to five that need project management software.
To find out which type of plan your account is, go to your account settings and select Account info. Your plan type is listed there along with other relevant information. External Users, Collaborators, Contributors, and Viewers cannot access this information and should ask their account admin.
Users with a Free Wrike account can take advantage of:
Use tasks, folders, and projects to help you organize and keep track of your work. Choose the tool that best fits your needs:
Tasks: for smaller action items
Folders: organizational units
Projects: a way to organize and manage bigger goals and projects
Keep information and conversations in one convenient location by adding comments directly to tasks, folders, or projects. Tag a teammate in a comment and invite them to join the discussion by using Wrike’s mentioning feature.
Collaborate with your colleagues by taking advantage of the live editor feature in task, folder, and project description fields. As you make changes in the description section, your teammates instantly see your updates without having to download any new documents or refresh the page.
Keep everyone on the same page by attaching documents directly to tasks, folders, and projects. Edit, update, and check past versions of attachments without having to waste time downloading or emailing information.
Mass actions help you save time by allowing you to make changes to several tasks at the same time. Use mass actions to: change a task's status, move a task, follow, and delete tasks. In addition to mass actions, you can filter your tasks by status, assignee, and when it's scheduled for.
Stay on top of the latest changes to your projects by using the real-time activity stream. Filter the stream to see the updates that make the most sense to you and comment on a task, folder, or project right from the stream if you need to.
Switch to the Table View to see tasks in a spreadsheet view or to see more tasks at one time.
Inbox helps keep you informed about your most important updates. Notifications appear in Inbox if you are: (1) @mentioned on a task, folder, or project, or (2) assigned a new task.
Use our email integration to update, create, and engage with Wrike tasks right from your email. Sending important action items to Wrike as tasks means that you and your team can easily work on projects together and helps ensure that everything stays organized in one place.
Wrike works with many well-known cloud storage platforms so that you can continue using your favorite platform but keep all related information together in Wrike. Create your file and then attach it to the relevant Wrike task, folder, or project, then whenever you need to you can easily access and edit your file right from Wrike.
Invite collaborators to work with you on your projects. Collaborator licenses are especially useful for when you need to share project plans with partners, clients, or contractors without enabling them to make a lot of changes to your tasks and folders.