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Types of Custom Fields in Wrike

Table 5. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: Legacy Free, Legacy Professional; Availability: Legacy Business, Legacy Enterprise.

Table 6. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional; Availability: Team, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


There are 11 types of custom fields in Wrike that you can use to store and track different data.

Types of custom fields


Types of custom fields that allow you to add values manually, e.g., text, don't limit the number of characters you can enter.

Press Shift + Enter shortcut to create a line break and highlight a text to apply formatting.


Field Type

Data Type

Suggested Use Case


Text, numerals, or links


There is no strict limit for value input. You can include as much information as needed. However, for optimal performance of the Wrap text function, we do not recommend exceeding 50,000 characters.

Use when you need to enter data in multiple formats

URLs that you add to the text-type custom fields become clickable in Table view, Board view, and Item View. At the moment, only http:// and https:// URL schemas can be displayed as clickable.The text Custom Fields supports  rich text. This means that not only can you input hyperlinks which become clickable, but you can also format your text with various styles. You have options to make text bold or italic, create bulleted or numbered lists, and even add customizable hyperlinks. If you are working with code, you can add code snippets and blocks too.

Single select

Users select an entry from a list of options specified by the field creator


There is no limit for the number of dropdown options you can create.

Use when you need to limit selections to specific options


Users check or uncheck a box

Use when you need to sort data based on yes/no criteria


Numerals (decimal places are built in)

Use when you need to work with numerical values


Numerals (a % symbol is automatically added)

Use when you need to track data as a percentage. You can display it as a progress bar using conditional formatting.


Numerals (the designated currency symbol is shown)

Use when you’re tracking expenses or working on a budget


Users enter the number of hours the task, folder, or project should take to complete

Use to see, at a glance, how much time a project should take



Use when you want to add dates to a task, folder, or project (apart from the start or due date)


Select a user or users (this can be from a predefined list of users or any user who is part of the subscription)

Use when you need to associate users with a task, folder, or project


There is no limit for the number of dropdown options you can create.

Users select multiple entries from a list of options specified by the field creator

Use when you need to select multiple options from a predefined set of options


The field shows calculated results for the custom formula you created. You can use the following types of fields while creating a formula: Number, Currency, Percentage, Duration, and Date.

Use when you need to calculate custom values

If your account has the Wrike Labs feature enabled, which allows the inclusion of time in date-type custom fields, these fields will have the ability to also display time.


Is it possible to bulk-add dropdown options into the Single- or Multi-select field?

Yes, you can mass-insert values by pasting them into the field settings. Here's a short demo video on how to do that:


You can also mass-select these Options by dragging your mouse downwards and copy-paste them into a text file to export the existing values.
