Disable users, offboard users

We use Wrike extensively.  Now some employees have left the company and we are strugglich to deal with their old accounts in Wrike.

How can we "disable" a user?  The best we can to is to make that user into a "collaborator" but then they still appear in the list of users (e.g. in the timeline).

Anyone got a solution?  This seems crazy!



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Actually, we delete the user  but even with that, if you don't delete the user from the task stills appears on Reports, List....



Andrea Rosales "Gracias por existir Ctrl+Z"

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Hi Bruce and Andrea, thanks for commenting here! @Bruce, as Andrea mentioned, it's possible to remove a user from Wrike completely. This can be done from the Account Management section, check out our Remove a User Help Page to learn more. 

@Andrea, in case you haven't had a chance to try it out yet, I wanted to suggest using Mass Editing to unassign or resassign tasks before deleting a user:

  1. Open the root of your account.
  2. In the Filters panel, select this user as the assignee.
  3. Select all tasks by checking the box on the left side of the first task, and then slicking "Select All" at the top of the view.
  4. Change assignees or swap users from the Mass Editing panel.


Happy to help answer any other questions about this!

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Hi, will deleting a user also delete all of the user's timelog entries?

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Jurgen, when you delete a user you'll still be able to see their time tracking entries in the Timelog View, but Activity Stream entries about adding a new Timelog entry are deleted when the user is deleted. Hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions! 


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Question along these lines, let go of one employee today and there were a good amount of tasks assigned to them.  I didn't want to terminate him out of the system if it was going to terminate any of the tasks or projects he was assigned to.  Any guidance as to how those items would be impacted if we delete him as a user?

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Hi Ryan, thank you for commenting here! Tasks and Projects which were assigned to a user who was deleted from your account will remain intact, and none of the information will be lost. The only exception is private data: if the user didn't share the location in question with anyone else (i.e. neither you nor any other users have access to it), this data will be deleted along with the user. If you do see something, it will stay in the same place. :) 

If there are items which are still being worked on by someone else, it would make sense to reassign these tasks to another user before deleting the current assignee, as described above. Let me know if you have any other questions about this process, I'll be happy to walk you through the steps!

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Disabling accounts should be added to Wrike for the sake of security and auditing.   For auditing purposes, we need to show that we terminated accounts right away.   Re-assigning tasks takes time.   Also, if someone is on Leave of Absence we need to disable their accounts just for that period of time.   I ended up removing the user account and found out I could not filter on them anymore.  I had to have Wrike restore the account and make it active again.   

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I love that function Anastasia but sometimes I think that is similar to "Change assignees", what is the difference @Anastasia?


And I agree with John, it would great that Wrike offers the option to disable accounts for a period of time.


Andrea Rosales "Gracias por existir Ctrl+Z"

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@Andrea, thank you for commenting here! When you change assignees, you can add, remove, and change them in whichever way and combination you need. For example, you can remove assignee A and B, and instead of them add assignee C. When you swap assignees, you simply choose an assignee to take the initial one's place. For example, choose assignee B to replace assignee A in all of the selected tasks. Does that make sense? Happy to clarify further!

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@Anastasia, thank you for the answer. Yes, now it makes sense.

Andrea Rosales "Gracias por existir Ctrl+Z"

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I too would really like the ability to disable or block an account's login ability while migrating stuff off that user after an termination.


Even just the ability to change the password without having to have access to the employee's email.



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Stephanie Westbrook

@Ben I totally understand that use case, we'll make sure to share this with our Product Managers. 

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Alternatively, if we could search for tasks assigned to deleted users, that would go a long way toward solving the underlying issue. We could then delete a user to cut off access immediately, then handle task reassignment afterward.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Aaron noted! Is there any way to reassign the tasks before the users are deleted? You can use mass actions to quickly do this (that way it doesn't take too long). 

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I've checked this but I don't know can we reassign private tasks of an user? Can we do that? If not, we can lose lot of information.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Alberto, happy to hear this thread had helpful instructions. The way Wrike works you can only access information that is shared with you, so if a user has private tasks (tasks which are only shared with them) you won't be able to see those or reassign them to another user. I would like to hear more about this situation though. Are people working mainly out of private tasks?

If this is the case I would consider creating a shared Folder structure where people can create their own tasks, but the Folders are shared with everyone so in case someone does leave, or if you want to create comprehensive Dashboards or Reports, you can. 

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Thanks for your reply Staphanie.

When someone leaves the company, all his/her tasks must be analyzed by someone, just to decide what is necessary to do with them. If it is not possible now from account management, we will look for another way to do that. We will probably have to sign in with user user (company email) and check the tasks.



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When you deactivate a user on an Enterprise account does that user still count towards our overall count in billing? We have contractors that need to track time and thus are External Users, however, there can sometimes be large chunks of time (6 months+) where they are not an active user. It seems crazy to pay for them when they aren't active. If I were to delete the user, would be able to re-add them at a later date?

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@Lauren Cooke

If you bought 10 accounts, it does not matter if you "deactivate" one, you have 10 accounts, you could add someone or just leave that space empty. In your case, I would leave those accounts.

About deleting someone, I don't recommend it, because when you delete the account, you delete all the activities and when you add it "again", everything that you did is deleted. I think for this reason they did the "deactivate"

Andrea Rosales "Gracias por existir Ctrl+Z"

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Lauren, just wanted to jump in quickly, Andrea is right (thanks Andrea!). Even when you deactivate a user, they're still taking up a paid user seat. The idea is that it's a temporary deactivation and they'll be coming back to the Workspace. 

In case anyone is curious you can read what happens when you delete a user

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This really needs sorting out in the product ☹️☹️☹️


If you have a user leaving perhaps under a cloud you just want to be able to deactivate their access first, and look at tasks later

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Hey Jon,

Thanks for your feedback.

I just want to check that you're aware you can Deactivate Users and Remove(delete) Users

By Deactivating a User, they simply won't have access to login into the Wrike account. While removing will completely delete. I'd suggest giving the above articles a read and letting me know if I can help further.



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Hi Stephen.  I can see Deactivation is only available to Enterprise users...

Yes aware we can remove and delete users but really we need Deactivation available at all levels of the product - in my opinion this is key functionality and should not only be available to enterprise users.

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Yes, I understand. I haven't heard of any changes to this recently, but I'll be sure to raise this feedback to the relevant team and update you here when I have any new information.

Thinking of a workaround solution for now 🤔 Perhaps using the admin permission of changing a users email address might be something you can leverage for now to gain further access over the ability for people to log in.

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Thanks, not sure I can see how to edit the user's email address though even though I am an admin, it looks to be fixed as far as I can see?

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My bad Jon, my workaround doesn't work 😕 I've tested it again on my demo account and there is some validation that the original user needs to do via email confirmation before you can reset the primary email.

I've passed your feedback on to our Product Team, you can still delete the user and then mass edits the tasks to ensure they're reassigned/unassigned as described by Anastasia above.

If there are any changes to the above suggestions, I'll be sure to keep this thread bookmarked for updates 👍


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Hi Stephen,


  • We ended up working around Wrike and disabled their outlook account then reset the Wrike password to keep them out from the point they left the organisation.  This is not ideal though and I would like to see the ability to disable users added.  What about if a user is on maternity for example, they may not be active but you may want to leave things like their recurring tasks, personal tasks etc active for them so they reinitiate when they return.  Also auditing purposes - in some cases there may be legal requirements to maintain the disabled user list and that's also not taking into account GDPR regulations too where we would want to disable for a time, log in our GDPR register and then remove the user account after a defined period.  As a organisation we may also want to view and maintain their personal tasks and should not have to adminster this outside of the application to facilitate this. It's just not great design to only be able to delete users.
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Thanks for passing on to the product team, I look forward to their feedback.

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Hi Jon, I think it's something that needs to be highlighted too so I've done that today.

I've moved this to the Product Feedback section so others can vote and comment here with their feedback about this.

Thanks for raising this again here and sharing your workaround, although not ideally what you want, I'm sure it may help others in the same situation for now.


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We've been getting around this issue by making users collaborators when they leave (as well as changing passwords etc), however, this has additional issues.

Any recurring tasks which that user has set up just stop - no warning, no message just stop!!

We want to still be able to see who commented or created tasks etc - rather than the big horrible grey x you get when you delete a user, but it's problematic.

Having the ability to edit more from an Admin account would be hugely beneficial too.

The other way we could get around it is to transfer the user from old staff to new, but that way we lose who said what. It looks as if the new person commented, not the old (but at least this would keep all sharing options in place and recurring tasks)

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