Edit the Timeline View (Gantt Chart)
Wrike’s Timeline View is an interactive Gantt chart where you can create and edit tasks. Here are some tips on how to quickly set up and edit tasks from the Timeline:
- Create a task: click on an empty space on the Timeline while holding the “Shift” key. A popup window appears where you can enter additional task details.
- Reschedule a task: drag and drop the task bar to the required dates.
- Change the task duration: hover your cursor over the left or right side of the task bar, and then click and drag the inner arrow 1 of the bar to the desired start/end date.
- Add a dependency: hover your cursor over the left or right side of the task bar, and then click and drag the outer arrow 2 to the task you want to want to create a dependency with.
Move a Task on the Timeline
All items on the view are positioned automatically. The horizontal position of tasks and Folders is determined by their start/end dates and they will move when you reschedule them. The logic for vertical positioning is:
- Parent Folders and Projects are listed first and are sorted by the start date of their earliest task.
- Subfolders and Subprojects appear under their parents.
- Tasks with dependencies are listed above tasks without them.
- All tasks and dependency chains are shown based on their earliest start date.
- If multiple tasks start on the same date, the task with the shorter duration is listed first.
- If multiple tasks or chains start and end on the same date, they are sorted alphanumerically.
Moving a Project on the Timeline
You can reschedule a whole Project or a series of dependent tasks on the Timeline View, preserving the scheduling gaps between tasks. To do this:
- Connect all (or a series of) tasks with dependencies.
- Make one of the tasks in the chain a milestone.
- While pressing and holding the “Shift” key, drag and drop the milestone to its new date.
- Click “Yes” in the popup that appears. All tasks are rescheduled accordingly, and the time gaps between tasks is preserved.
Did You Know?
You can click the task bar to view scheduling information, open a task, delete it, or convert it into a milestone.
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. All my tasks are organised in folders, which I've colour coded. However, on the timeline view, all the bars are the same colour (blue). Is there a way to change this colour to match the folder colour? It would help a lot with the visual clarity.
Is "Shift key, drag and drop" still working? I cannot reschedule all depended tasks by that since last Timeline update. Thank you.
Hi @Zbynek, shifting tasks via drag and drop isn't currently available in the new version of the Timeline, but it is something that the team is planning to bring back. I don't have a release date that I can share right now, but we do have the Release News section where we post weekly updates about changes to the Workspace.
Hi, I can´t find what the little bold line on the left side of the task bar means. It is on some tasks automatically, sometimes it is even separated from the task. On this page it is on the picture as well. Thanks, Tomas
Hi Tomáš, I think you're referring to a date constraints. This signifies the earliest time a task can start.
You can learn all about how to add and remove these in our Help Centre article here. Any questions, let me know 👍
Thanks for he link, however, why I see on the page "You're not authorized to access this page", when it is helping page and I am logged in?
Sorry, Tomáš. Since the release of the new Timeline view, this information is now accessed from these resources on the Help Centre.