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Wrike for Marketers



This is a legacy package and it was available to users who signed up before 7/1/2021. To learn more about all available plans click here.

Wrike for Marketers (WfM) comes with robust pre-packaged functionality of your base Wrike Business or Enterprise plan and the Wrike Proof and Wrike Publish add-ons.

Wrike for Marketers is ideal for marketing teams looking to streamline their workflows and keep better track of their work. With Wrike for Marketers, users:

  • get access to Wrike’s advanced features,

  • gain functionality specifically designed for marketing teams

  • have more ways to receive, track, and report on their work

  • get access to approval workflow

More in-depth information regarding our marketing solution is available here.

How Wrike works with a marketing workflow

We talked to marketing teams, learned the key processes teams go through as they do their work, and then built functionality to help you get more done.

  • Ideate and Plan - use requests, tasks and projects to streamline your intake process, organize incoming work, and create an actionable timeline.

  • Create and Perfect - work right from Photoshop and Illustrator and use Wrike’s Adobe add-ons to access and update work from Wrike.

  • Review and Approve - use Wrike Proof to compare files and versions, add comments directly to file attachments, then begin the approval process to get final confirmation that tasks and materials are ready to use.

  • Launch and Report - complete your project and run reports to see: where work is coming from, how much work was completed, and who is doing what.

Available features


Use requests to simplify your intake workflow, add structure to the request system, ensure that requests are added to the appropriate location, and decrease the chances that requests are lost.

Wrike’s Extension for Adobe® Creative Cloud®

Use Wrike’s extension for Adobe® Creative Cloud® to work in Photoshop or Illustrator and: access Wrike tasks from Adobe, link images between Adobe and Wrike, and keep track of versioning.

Wrike Proof

Proofing allows you and your team to add comments directly to images, videos, .PDFs, Office files, and weblinks stored in Wrike. Use Proofing to discuss proposed files, get feedback from the rest of your team, compare files and file versions and keep track of what changes need to be made. Proofing helps you establish a structured review process. With Wrike Proof, you can assign teammates and external stakeholders as reviewers, see who has approved a file, or see who has marked any changes required.


Approvals help you establish a structured review process and automate the process of decision making. With Approvals you can assign teammates as approvers for tasks, folders and projects, and files within them. Additionally you can assign external stakeholders as file reviewers. The Approvals process is transparent: you can see who has approved a file, who has decided that changes are required and why.

Wrike Publish

With Wrike Publish you can manage your digital assets without having to leave Wrike. Upload and download files to and from your DAM solution and discuss and approve your assets using Wrike Proof. Wrike Publish works both with MediaValet and Bynder.


Use Wrike Reports to create customizable reports and gain insights about the work your team has completed. The Report Builder helps you quickly create a new report based on the data that matters to your team. Reopen saved reports at any time to have them updated with the most up-to-date data.

And More

The marketing solution also includes all the features available on either the Business or Enterprise plans.
