Wrike API
Wrike API can be used by all user types (via the Developer portal) and makes it easier to develop apps that work with Wrike. Use Wrike API to:
Configure how your app works with the Wrike API through OAuth.
Manage and generate tokens for your Wrike API based applications.
There's no limit to the number of apps you can register through the API tab.
Click your profile image in the workspace's upper right-hand corner.
Select Apps & Integrations.
Click the API tab on the left.
Enter a name for your app and click Create new.
On the next screen:
Add a description. The app description is used in the list of apps on the API tab.
Make a note of the client ID and client secret. If you leave this page you’ll be asked to enter your password before being shown this information again.
Enter a redirect URI. You can enter one or more redirect URIs. Redirect URIs should comply with OAuth2 standard requirements and utilize HTTPS protocol. Use https://localhost for local development.
Click Save.
Tokens are unique and should be treated like passwords — if someone has your token they'll be able to see all your Wrike data through the API. You can generate two types of tokens:
Currently, app admins can only create (and revoke) tokens for themselves.
Make sure to safely store your token, because it'll only be shown to you once. If necessary, you can revoke your token at any point and generate a new one.
Click your profile image in the workspace's upper right-hand corner.
Select Apps & Integrations.
Click the API tab on the left.
Click Configure next to the app you'd like to generate a token for.
Scroll down to the section Permanent access token.
Click Obtain token (you'll be asked to enter your password before your token is generated).
If you don't remember your password or login to Wrike using SSO, please generate a Wrike password via this link: https://www.wrike.com/remind.htm so that you can further use it for creating permanent tokens and other account actions where password confirmation is required.
To revoke a token repeat Steps 1–5 above and click Revoke token.
If you registered an app at developers.wrike.com then please first submit a request to support so they can make the app available for configuration on your API tab in the workspace.
Click your profile image in the workspace's upper right-hand corner.
Select Apps & Integrations.
Click the API tab on the left.
Click Configure to the right of the app's name.