Available Advanced Reporting Widgets
With Advanced Reporting and BI you can build multiple widgets within one analytics board. There are 17 types of available widgets.
Pivot: This one might be the most useful for summarizing and analyzing large amounts of data. However, we recommend you don't add more than 70 columns to optimize performance.
Pie Chart: Use a Pie Chart to display proportional data and/or percentages.
Column Chart: A Column Chart can be used for comparing items and comparing data over time. The chart can include multiple values on both the X- and Y-axis.
Bar Chart: Use a Bar Chart to compare many items. You can see descriptive data (e.g., categories or items) along the Y-axis and values displayed on the X-axis.
Line Chart: Use a Line Chart to compare changes over the same period of time for more than one group or category.
Area Chart: This one is very similar to Line Chart except that the areas under each line are colored, and it's possible to display them as stacked.
Table: The Table widget displays a broader view of your data, presenting it in columns.
Tree Map: The Tree Map is a multi-dimensional widget that displays hierarchical data in the form of nested rectangles.
Scatter Map: Use a Scatter Maps to visualize geographical data as data points on a map. The map distinguishes data using different colors and sizes for the data points on the map.
Area Map: The Area Map shows the locations of data, selected for the widget.
Indicator: The Indicator widget provides various options for displaying one or two numeric values as a number, gauge, or ticker. It also provides the option to add additional titles and a color-coded indicator icon representing the value.
Scatter Chart: The Scatter Chart displays the distribution of two variables on an X-axis, Y-axis, and two additional dimensions of data that are shown as colored circles scattered across the chart.
Calendar Heatmap: Use a Calendar Heatmap to visualize values over days in a calendar-like view.
Sunburst: The Sunburst is similar to Pie Chart but is multi-dimensional. Whereas Pie Chart combines one field and one numeric value, Sunburst can display multiple rings, one for each field.
Box & Whisker Plot: Box plots are divided into four quartiles. The middle quartiles are represented by a box that contains 50% of the data and the median value. The upper and lower quartiles contain the maximum and minimum values and the remaining 50% of the data. These quartiles are represented by lines called whiskers.
Polar Chart: Use a Polar Chart to compare multiple categories/variables with a spatial perspective.
Funnel Chart: The Funnel Chart is a common way to show stages in a process, with the most prevalent example being a funnel representing stages in a sales process.