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Adding Approvals to a Task, Folder, or Project

Table 131. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: ; Availability: Legacy Business, Legacy Enterprise, Legacy Wrike Proof, Legacy Wrike for Marketers, Legacy Wrike for Marketers Performance.

Table 132. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team; Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


All users (including collaborators) can use Approvals.


You can add approvals to tasks, folders, and projects, but not to spaces.

Create an approval

To add an approval to a task/folder/project:

  1. Navigate to a folder or project to which you want to add an approval and open its info panel. If you want to add an approval to a task, open it in Task View or Item View.

  2. Click Approvals 1 in the panel above the description field.

  3. Click the +Start new approval 2 button at the top of the description field.

  4. Next, you can:

    1. Select task/folder/project approvers 3.

    2. Set the due date for the approval. 4

    3. Add a description of what needs to be approved. 5

    4. Add files for approval. 6

  5. Click the Advanced settings 7 button if you need to:

    1. Finish this approval automatically when all approvers give their decision. If you deselect this option, you’ll have to manually finish the approval that you created.

    2. Set up a status change upon completion of the approval.

  6. Click Start approval 8 to add an approval to the task/folder/project.


Approval assignees will see a notification in their Inbox, as well as receive an email notification.


Although it's not possible to assign user groups as approvers, you can filter tasks/folders/projects containing approvals by the users from specific user groups, who are assigned as approvers, in List view, Table view, Files view, and Gantt Charts.

Information about the new approval is also added to the task/folder/project stream. Note that if you delete all approvers, the approval will be canceled and decisions cleared.


It's not possible to start multiple approvals within one task, folder, or project simultaneously. However, you can start a new approval as soon as the previous approval is finished.

Advanced settings

Account admins can set up default Advanced settings for the whole account. To do this:

  1. Click your profile picture.

  2. Select Settings from the drop-down.

  3. Click Settings in the left panel.

  4. Scroll to Approvals settings by default and check boxes if you want to:

    1. Finish approvals automatically when the final decision is Approved.

    2. Finish approvals automatically when the final decision is Rejected.


These boxes will be preselected in all approvals being created in the account, but users can change it manually when creating a new approval.
