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Setting Default Hourly Rates for Users and Job Roles

Table 9. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: Legacy Wrike Resource; Availability: Legacy Wrike for Professional Services, Legacy Wrike for Professional Services Performance.

Table 10. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard; Availability: Enterprise Pinnacle.


Account admins and owners can specify bill and cost rates for job roles and users. On Wrike legacy plans for Professional Services accounts, this right can be revoked from admins.

Hourly rates are an essential part of financial planning and tracking of projects. By default, all projects in the account use default hourly rates to calculate the financial data. You can set default hourly rates for job roles and users in the Account Management section.

Set default hourly rates for job roles

Use default hourly rates for job roles to:

  • Estimate Project Budgets: Before delivering a statement of work to your clients, use the default job roles' hourly rates along with task effort to calculate a project's planned fees and costs. When you assign job roles with specified hourly rates to tasks with specified effort, the planned fees and costs are calculated automatically.

  • Streamline Rate Updates: Apply the same default hourly rate to multiple users with the same job role. This way, if you need to change the default rate, you can simply update the job role's hourly rate, and all associated users' rates will be updated automatically.

To specify default hourly rates for job roles:

  1. Click your profile image in the sidebar. 1

  2. Select Settings. 2

  3. Click Job roles in the left panel. 3

  4. Start creating a job role or click on the existing one to edit it.

  5. In the corresponding fields, enter:

    1. The Bill rate: shows how much you charge your clients. 4

    2. The Cost rate: shows how much the user’s work costs you as a business. 5

  6. Click Create or Save 6 to finish the job role creation or editing.

Once you complete the steps, the bill and cost rates specified in Step 5 will be used for financial field calculations.

Additionally, when you allocate the job role to a user, they automatically inherit the hourly rates associated with that role. However, you can override these rates later in the user settings if needed.

Check job role’s hourly rates history

  1. Click your profile image in the sidebar. 1

  2. Select Settings. 2

  3. Click Job Roles in the left panel. 3

  4. Click the relevant job role.

  5. Hover over the bill or cost rate field.

  6. Click the round arrow icon that appears on the right. 4

  7. Use the caret icons in the upper-right corner of the edit history pop-up 5 to see previous edits.

Set default hourly rates for users

There are two ways of specifying default hourly rates for users:

  • Set the user to inherit the hourly rates from their job role. Use this option when all users with the same job role have the same bill and cost rates.
  • Set individual hourly rates for the user. Use this option if the user doesn't have a job role or if their individual hourly rates differ from their job role. This way, you override the hourly rates that the user inherits from their job role while preserving the job role itself.

Set users to inherit the job role hourly rates

  1. Allocate a job role to the user.

  2. Click your profile image in the sidebar. 1

  3. Select Settings. 2

  4. Click Users in the left panel. 3

  5. Click the name of the relevant user in the user table. 4


    You can’t specify hourly rates for collaborators, viewer, and contributors.

  6. Scroll down and click the Edit settings button 5 in the panel that opens.

  7. Under the Bill rate 6 and Cost rate 7 fields, select the Job role option.

  8. Click Save changes. 8

Set individual hourly rates for the user

  1. Click your profile image in the sidebar. 1

  2. Select Settings. 2

  3. Click Users in the left panel. 3

  4. Click the name of the relevant user 4 in the user table.


    You can’t specify hourly rates for collaborators, viewers, and contributors.

  5. Scroll down and click the Edit settings button 5 in the panel that opens.

  6. Under the Bill rate 6 and Cost rate 7 fields, select the Custom option.

  7. In the corresponding fields, enter:

    1. The Bill rate: shows how much you charge your clients.

    2. The Cost rate: shows how much the user’s work costs you as a business.

  8. Click Save changes. 8

Once you complete the steps, the hourly rates you entered in Step 7 are applied to the user, and they’ll be taken into account for financial field calculations.

Mass-actions: Set hourly rates for multiple users

  1. Click your profile image in the sidebar. 1

  2. Select Settings. 2

  3. Click Users in the left panel. 3

  4. Check the boxes to the left of the relevant users' names. 4

  5. Select Update bill rate or Update cost rate in the panel that opens on the right. 5

  6. Select one of the options in the pop-up: 6

    1. Custom: Additionally here, enter the rate number in the field.

    2. Inherit from job role

  7. Click Update. 7

Check user’s hourly rates history

  1. Click your profile image in the sidebar. 1

  2. Select Settings. 2

  3. Click Users in the left panel. 3

  4. Click the relevant user in the user table. 4

  5. Scroll down and click the Edit settings button 5 in the panel that opens.

  6. Hover over the bill or cost rate field.

  7. Click the round arrow icon that appears on the right. 6

  8. Use the caret icons in the upper-right corner of the edit history pop-up 7 to see previous edits.
