Apple Mail plug-in - please bring it back

Please bring back the apple mail plug in. Copy paste nor forward to wrike results in the same formatting of text and tables in tasks as the task creation from emails did. Everything used to be easy to view now tables break down into strange condensed u formatted sections. I am so sad you discontinued this feature.

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Nic Bryson

Mareike, thanks for posting the feedback! We absolutely love email integration in our productivity workflows as well. It’s been one of the awesome core features of Wrike since the beginning. The team is focused right now on our Gmail Gadget of which we've just released a new version last week.

The Apple Mail add-in's technical architecture was created many years ago. With regular changes to versions of Apple Mail we reached a point where we needed to rebuild the add-in in order to provide the quality of experience we expect from our products. Given the relatively low number of users for this add-in, we decided to discontinue support instead of rebuilding it. Effective June 21, 2016 we stopped making the add-in available to new users and we will no longer be developing updates for it.

We're also continuing to refine the editing experience in the task description. If you're having trouble with tables being converted from emails, then it would be great if you can reach us at with some examples so we can take a closer look.

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I think that's a bit short sighted:  Apple accounts for 48% of the market!

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I agree that this is short-sighted. That plugin was vital to my workflows and wrike hasn't been the same without it. I've explained this repeatedly to support staff and gotten the brush off every time. 

The original plugin was excellent. It worked exactly as I needed it to. All I want is that same functionality back. I feel like I"ve been forced to drop a GUI for a command line and it's extremely frustrating. 

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Hi Holly, thanks for the feedback on this. It's not something that's on the roadmap currently. If this changes we'll be sure to update you here. Your feedback here helps bring this to the attention of our Product team so thanks again for sharing this here.

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This is a must have!

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The Apple Mail add-in is still being touted in the instructional materials Wrike recently shared with our company. See page 4 of:

Wrike - Bonus Material - GoldenTips-and-Tricks.pdf

If it's not in the roadmap, maybe it shouldn't be in the help guides either?

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Hi Jeff, thanks for bringing this to our attention. I will make sure the relevant department is contacted to review this section of the material.
@Ken, thanks for your input here too!
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It’s a must, please bring it back !

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I have to agree ! 

I've just started using Wrike and one of the first thing that came to my head is "is there an apple mail add-in ?"

Now I'm just sad to know that this feature use to exist but is not available anymore...

Specialy because ether you're using Gmail or Exchange or whatever mail services, you will still use Apple Mail if you're using a Mac...

Even more since there is no Gmail app for Mac (you have to use your browser).

I don't think it's a big deal for the dev team since the feature already exist. Just some little fixes and updates and you're go to go.

Please, bring back that feature that, I'm sure, many of us will use :)

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Same for me! Having using it in the past, the mac mail integration was on top of my mind. I was disappointing that Wrike stopped providing it. I do understand the email integration thing, but this is not user friendly that much and after testing it, that does not respond to me need, which is saving time.

Please reconsider bringing back the app ;)

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I agree. Please give us the apple mail integration. I don't want to use Gmail or turn to Microsoft WINDOWS (!) outlook 365 to get email integration.  Thanks for helping! 

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I'm looking at this and realizing that Wrike has been ignoring our requests for this for YEARS now. I actually mentioned this exact phenomenon, the "someone else dredges up this conversation and it hits my inbox", in a discussion with one of my team about issues with Wrike, and the poor response to support and feature requests. The email integration was a major selling point when I first got Wrike, and since it's super clear that we're not getting it's a major point in favor of us moving to other software. 

Don't expect that you'll get any real respinse from Wrike team about this--note that this post was originally made in 2016. 

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@H.A Hey, thanks for posting your feedback here, we've passed it to our Product team. In case you're wondering what happens with Product Feedback, please check out the related post by Stephanie. In short, new posts, votes, and comments in the Product Feedback section make a difference and allow you to connect directly to the Product Team. Please let me know if you'd like to speak to your Account Manager. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to help 🤝

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Just thought I would point out that the training material that is being handed out, Wrike - Tips and Tricks.pdf still lists the Apple mail add-on as a feature to be excited about. 

This was pointed out two years ago and it still showing up in material erroneously. If only someone had a project management tool that would allow them to organize tasks and projects, then maybe their training material would get updated.....

I would also like to point out how much this add-on would be helpful and as Jane Boyd pointed out two years ago, Apple Mail is nearly the same market share as Outlook.


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