Wrike Webhooks setup with curl ({"errorDescription":"Invalid Folder ID","error":"invalid_request"})
i'd like to setup a webhook using cURL but i don't exactly know how to craft the whole command.
Right now i have this
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" https://www.wrike.com/api/v4/folders/<folderID>/webhooks?hookUrl=<hookUrl>
It returns: {"errorDescription":"Invalid Folder ID","error":"invalid_request"}
Next step was finding this doc on how to find folder IDs:
But i still have the same problem. I also changed the Folder ID to see if it was an specific issue related to the first folder but it looks like its not.
i've tried with spaces but i returns almost the same error:
{"errorDescription":"Invalid Space ID","error":"invalid_request"}
Charly Enriquez, thank you for your interest in testing Wrike API. It's worth mentioning that different types of IDs are used in the Wrike workspace (numeric IDs) and API (alpha-numeric IDs). Please use the folder's API ID to make calls while working with API integrations. The easiest way to get the required API ID is via GET/folders call with the additional folder's permalink parameter:

When you create a webhook, please insert the URL of the server that will receive the payload to the
parameter.Let me know if you have any additional questions!😉
Thanks for your reply!
Now it returns Account ID is invalid.
Hi Charly Enriquez 👋 I can see that you've also reached out to our Support team about this, and they are troubleshooting this for you 👍
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