[Status: Not Planned] Automatic Project Numbers

Hi Wrike,

Are there any plans moving forward to add automatic project numbers in to Wrike? So in our business when a change request comes in we give it a CR number. So CR-001, CR-002 and so on. Other systems we use allow this to be an automatically issued number. Would be interesting to know if any other users have requested this.


Adam. ☺️

Upvote 108
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Hi Adam, during our on-boarding we also asked if something like this was in the works. We were told nothings coming as of now. Our "fix" is having blueprints with prefixes where we add in our job/project numbers. We've changed from automatically generated to a date based system.

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Hi Katherine,

Yes it's just a bit of a pain not being able to set up automatic project numbers and going back to a manual system basically. Due to the fact we use CR prefix's throughout the business it will mean having to go back to a spreadsheet system to know what the next project number is. Let's hope its something they look at adding at a later date. As we currently use Jira for new requests i suppose we could continue using that for now an use integrate to pass the request through to Wrike from Jira.


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Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback! It will be passed on to our Product team, and once this thread reaches 60 upvotes, it will receive a status. You can read more about our process here.

If you have any other questions let me know 😊

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I actually see this feature as a deal breaker for many.  I would think many would just stop considering Wrike rather than go through the effort for the community to reach enough votes.

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Hi Brian Tully, welcome to the Community, happy to see you here!

We use the voting system to make it easier for the Product team to assess the popularity of the different product suggestions here on the Community. At the same time, we do pass all the feedback even if the post hasn't reached that threshold. 

Thank you for reaching out! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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This topic looks similar to

Have the ability to pull in Project ID# to the field via request form with other mapped title fields

from 2017


I'd be happy if I could simply make a Google Sheet of sequential project numbers that I could reference. It really could be any list, from any source that could be referenced.

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Hey Brian Tully, thank you for your use case. It's been passed on to the Product team.

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Lisa the problem is, this topic touches on a feature our company needs too, but it took multiple searches for me to find under "Automatic Project Numbers" when I was searching things like "Sequential Numbers" and "Auto Fill Numbering" and never finding this. I've been searching for half an hour. How are posts supposed to get 60 upvotes if they can't be found?

Our company uses metal dies and each new die is assigned a sequential number. A number of different people can assign a new number to a die, but the number must come from a single source so that different dies aren't named with duplicate numbers. This has always been done with a spreadsheet that people signed into in order to claim the next available number. We have now created a request form in Wrike so that our sales partners can request the new art asset that causes each die to be ordered, bypassing the need for information to be entered on our spreadsheet -- except that we still need the sequential die numbers. If Wrike could generate these sequential numbers as each form was submitted, this would streamline our workflow and increase our efficiency tenfold.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Michelle! You're correct, the search system we currently have isn't perfect. We do keep that in mind when thinking of future enhancements for our Community. Thank you for flagging this with us.

Regarding the voting system, the number of votes helps the team understand the popularity of different suggestions, so votes are important. At the same time, all feedback in this forum is being passed on to the team, regardless of the number of votes. 

We'll think of ways on how to make your experience here better. For now, please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you're interested in other topics as well. I'll be happy to recommend some threads for you to upvote 🙂

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Thanks Chris Mosch

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Glad I could help Lisa.

RE: For now, please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you're interested in other topics as well. I'll be happy to recommend some threads for you to upvote

Happy to help upvote when the request benefits our processes ... just let me know!

Thank you, 

Chris Mosch

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Has Wrike expressed any plans add automatic project numbers to the projects? or pull in the number of the url?  Seems like there is a need for this. We would use this feature if it existed.




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Hi Evelyn Guernsey, welcome to the Community!

Thank you for your feedback! Please allow me to share a little detail on how we process Product Feedback. If you'd like to find out more, this article explains what happens after we receive Product feedback. 

We check with our team and assign a status after a thread receives more than 60 upvotes according to our Product Feedback Guidelines & Statuses. This suggestion at the moment needs more support. In the meantime, if there are any updates in relation to this suggestion, we'll be sure to update you here. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Our team is also very interested in the Automated Project ID. We are currently tracking numbers on a spreadsheet as we create the next project. We have other numbers that we could import in or copy, but unfortunately we start our project in Wrike at the pre-sales/proposal stage, which is way before an order or project is initiated in our other systems. Our team's Upvotes are in!

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Thank you Dan Woodward for adding your support! I'll be checking with the Product team to assign a status here🙋🏻‍♀️

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Thanks @..., I would be happy to demonstrate how having a Wrike Project ID helps our process for synchronization of orders to projects.

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Yes, please!  This is our one barrier to Wrike fully replacing another software system. 

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Upvoted! We need this!

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Hi everyone,  

Thank you all for your continued support for this request. We wanted to share an update here to let you know that there are no plans to add this functionality currently and we've updated the status of the suggestion to reflect that.

The Product team is still interested in this suggestion, but due to other priorities, there are no plans to implement this idea this year. I understand that this might be disappointing, but rest assured that your input has been shared with the team and that if there are any changes, I'll be sure to let you know.

For now, it would be great to continue to receive, not only your use-cases but what you're doing at the moment in terms of processes and workaround. These insights serve as a big help to the team and other people reading this thread. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. 

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Our team would really like this implemented as well. We create such a high number of diverse collateral pieces that without easily visible automated project-level codes, quick reference and retrieval of assets/info/context is much more difficult. The permalink number trick was not a solution that our team was happy with. We are currently keeping a spreadsheet of our project numbers, but that obviously introduces the potential for human error. 

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Additionally, project numbers are a key component of our file naming conventions. Again, this makes retrieving archived assets so much quicker and easier. 

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Hi Amy Bonnar, thank you for sharing your use case and feedback here👍🏼

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This thread has 73 upvotes. Has tt moved to production? Is this a feature that is being added? I am looking to implement a project management system that can be formatted to follow the same naming convention that we are currently using


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Hi Robert Pagan, welcome to the Community! Thank you for bumping this request, I have passed your feedback to our Product Development Team. Would you please let us know if this improvement could help you make your work easier? Otherwise, please feel free to share more details about your use case with us. Thank you!

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Juan M. M. - Our current PM Software application is something that our development team and I build over 7 years ago and it needs a lot of improvements to keep up with our increasing workload and marketing team size. One of the 3 biggest holdups for me to make a decision on a PM software is seamless integration with Marketing Automation apps, DAM apps and a useful job numbering feature. We use a job number on all of our printed material to facilitate easy retrieval of working files, inventoried material, archiving work and is used for keeping clear communication when discussing jobs. The job number will definitely make our job easier both in the system and outside the system.  

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Thanks a lot for sharing this additional info Robert Pagan

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Bumping this again! We still really, really want this!

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Hi Amy Bonnar, thank you for continuing to support this idea, I understand this would be an important feature for you and your team. At the moment, the Product Team was not able to prioritize this idea but they are aware of its popularity and I have shared your comments with the team as well.
Would you please confirm if the new automation action to change items' names could be of help to you?
Thank you!
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@... thank you for your response. No, this does not solve our problem because there is no option for the prefix to be a unique sequential or even a randomized serial number for every project that is created - from what I can tell. You can only enter a single specific prefix. Please let me know if I am missing something. This has become a major issue for our team. Thank you for your attention to this. 

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