Suggestion : Task Reminder within Apps.


it might be helpfull to have a task reminder within the app, in order to alert me about something that should be done at a specific time. So, even if I am away of my office (inside or outside the building) a beep and a message on my screen would be enough to "alert" me.

i.e. Call John steward

I am aware of google calendar integration and emai alerts, but still would love a simple task reminder within the app, without the need for extra software services.

Also such feature could be accessible offline, in cases I can't reach internet.


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Agreed! This would be very helpful, it has come up in our organization several times as something that would allow us to use Wrike for other projects where date and time-specific reminders are needed.


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Всём привет!

Очень крутое приложение! И очень не хватает напоминаний!

Добавьте пожалуйста эту функцию. Очень хочется для организации своих проектов использовать одно приложение. А добавить напоминание - это то, что постоянно бывает необходимо! Я перешёл на Wrike после программы Todoist, потому что Wrike более удобен в работе с проектами. Но был очень расстроен, когда понял, что нет напоминаний.

Уважаемые разработчики! В этом месте для комментариев я увидел только 4 комментария от пользователей Wrike с просьбой добавить напоминание. Но поверьте, таких пользователей гораздо больше, просто другие не пишут комментарий, а просто удаляют wrike, просто удаляют ! Добавьте, пожалуйста, не отставайте от конкурентов)

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Absolutely, this feature is very much required to remind us of our own tasks also and even for the employees to set alert for their tasks.

It will be a great feature to add on and will make Wrike a complete standalone application for all tasks and projects.

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+ I would love the ability to tell a task "Remind me at due date" or "Remind me X days before due date" (without having to create a second task)

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+Agreed. A task-specific reminder feature would be helpful.

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Hi Everyone, thanks for your feedback here. For now I don't have any updates to share regarding reminders, but I'l get back to you when I have news.

@Иван, спасибо за ваш отзыв, на данный момент напоминания не планируются, но, когда появится информация, я обязательно сообщу вам в этом треде. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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+ Agree! 

was going crazy trying to find a way to set reminders for tasks within the app only to find out it's not available. I'm transitioning from using Teamwork Projects to Wrike so i'm starting to adjust. would love to see this new feature built in! 



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@Oscar, thanks for your comment 🙂 If you need help while transitioning, please ask the Community, we'll be happy to help 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Is task reminder a planned feature?  If not, that would be a shortcoming of what I perceive as the top-rated project/task management apps available.  Wrike's competition and most project/task management apps have had this feature from the start.  It's strange that it wasn't one with Wrike.

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Totally agree that we need a way to set alerts for tasks that might need an update in a year from now, etc.  We have contracts that need to be reviewed and renewed at a specific time in the future.  We should be able to do this in Wrike.  Thanks.

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Absolutely agree! Task reminders are key for managing time-sensitive details within tasks. 


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I agree. My team sees the tasks only when they are overdue. It's not useful for business. Could you please specify if Wrike's plans regarding reminders could be changed and when? Appreciate your comments

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I am a new user and reviewing Wrike as regards to making it the permanent PM solution for us. There is A LOT OF good in Wrike. I started using the product in 08/2019.

But the LACK OF a good reminder functionality, all environments, versatile ways of creating reminders, like emailing others firectly from the Task, creating personal reminders directly from the Task and Tab or separate window for displaying those personal reminders, see MS Outlook, etc, IS LIKE trying to write English without the letter "c".

What worries me, is that a couple of suggestions I found as regards this feature, are already pretty old (one 13 mnths, the other over 2 yrs). And as one comment above stated, most PM Solutions have this functionality.

Wrike must have a proper Reminder functionality, too. 

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Thank you for your comments here @everyone! I totally understand where you're coming from with this request. You are correct that similar suggestions exist on the Community, and this topic is on our Product team's radar (and mine as well, of course). Currently the idea is not on the short-term roadmap. It doesn't mean it will never appear there, so I'll keep checking for updates and letting you know how it's going. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Yeah, I would like to add that notifications could be of great help for recurrent tasks.

Would be happy to see this function added.

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Please implement calendar type reminders! 

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Hey everyone, thank you for all of your feedback! It's all been passed on to the Product team. I don't have one for you at the moment, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.

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Task reminders would be amazing! By tracking all tasks in Wrike, its amount is increasing exponentially. Reminders (and not due date) helps keeping our deadlines. 

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Hey Riccardo Moccetti, thank you for this use case! It's been passed on to the Product team.

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Task specific reminders is one of the core features in any productivity application. Please consider it seriously. I am still searching how to add reminder in the task, still cant believe it is not possible, even after reading all comments above.

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Hey Zaur Eyyubov,

Thank you for sharing this feedback, I've passed it on to the Product team. At the moment, there are no plans to add this suggestion to the short-term roadmap. I'll be sure to keep you posted on any updates or new information about this suggestion.

If you need anything else, let me know!

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Что не так с вашей командой разработчиков? Почему основная функция, которая есть во всех приложениях для планирования, упорно не реализуется в вашем функциональном приложении уже более 2-х лет?! Неужели это так сложно добавить напоминания для задач? Или вы предлагаете через каждые 5 минут заглядывать в приложение и смотреть не нужно ли чего сейчас делать? Такой масштабный продукт и без такой важной основной функции планировщика.

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Добрый день Евгений Степанов добро пожаловать в Коммьюнити и спасибо за ваш фидбэк!

Это действительно популярный запрос, но на данный момент, в краткосрочных планах нет добавления функции "время" для задач в Wrike. Мы продолжаем передавать фидбэк и сообщим, если что-то изменится. Наше приложение призвано упростить совместную работу над проектами, но команда понимает, что данное улучшение будет полезно для многих наших пользователей, поэтому они продолжают получать фидбэк на эту тему.

Еще раз спасибо, что написали! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Серьёзно, с 2018 года вас просят внедрить напоминания - а вы талдычте про "не входят в краткосрочные задачи", а что туда входят, очередные минорные финтифлюшки? Пользуюсь Todoist, видимо придётся вернутся к нему.

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Добрый день, Ontos Postoronnij, добро пожаловать на коммьюнити! Спасибо за ваш фидбэк!

К сожалению, наша продуктовая команда не может работать над каждым предложением, которое появляется в этом форуме. Пожалуйста, поддержите этот пост с помощью лайка - как только их будет 60, мы попросим команду проставить продуктовый статус

Дайте знать, если я могу вам еще чем-либо помочь! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I agree!

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Hi Evan DiDio, welcome to the Community! 

Thank you for chiming in here - please be sure to upvote the original suggestion if you haven't yet🙋🏻‍♀️

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Hello! Has this topic been revisited by the Dev Team? This would be very beneficial to our organization. 

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Hi everyone! Our team has released a feature in Wrike Labs that I'm hoping will help you with this use case - due time in date custom fields with the ability to add an automation rule to create reminders. Could you please check out this Help Center article for more info and let me know if it resolves this suggestion? 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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