[Status: Backburner ⌛️] Setting and locking start / end dates or duration

When setting the start date, end dates or duration of a task, we should have an option of locking any of the 3 parameters.

The app is always defaulting back to changing the start date and this is super counterproductive.

Per instance, If I need a delivery to be done by September, I know if takes 40 days to ship, wouldn't it be great to just enter 1/09/2018, 40 days and BOOM the app sets the date my stuff should ship ?


Upvote 110
👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Raphael, firstly, I definitely want a 'Boom' sound added Wrike! 😃

I just want to confirm I fully understand what you're looking for:

Currently, if you select a duration of 40 days, it will add 40 days from the start date you've selected. What you're suggesting here, is that when you set an end date, Wrike should configure 40 days backwards to determine the start date (i.e. the date the package should ship)?

If so, it's a great idea, especially for people in the logistics industry. Thanks for posting!

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that's exactly what me and my team need, we do this all the time.

It would be very very nice tho if you could "lock" one or multiple time parameters and Wrike does the calculation for you.

Thanks !

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do you guys consider you could implement this easily ?


👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Raphael, I've brought it to the attention of the Product Team. It's a new request, so the team will need to review the request at the time they're making enhancements to this feature. If and when I have more information I'll come back here and provide an update.

It's a logical idea so thanks for sharing here so others can vote and discuss 🙂

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 This is also a requirement that our company needs!

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Agreed, being able to lock a tasks duration would be an amazing help! 

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Yes please add this feature as soon as possible. I have to schedule most projects from a due (end) date. Wrike doesn't currently have a way to do this and find the correct start date. This feature is greatly needed and should be a given in any true project management tool.


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Being able to lock a task date would be great!

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My typical use case is to manually set both the start date and the end date, as I don't know (or care) what the duration in days is.  I can do this now in Table View mode (thanks for the tip, Elly L), but would like to also be able to do this in Task View. My suggestion is that the tool automatically choose the 3rd date based on the entry of the other two by the user.  I think that would accommodate both my use case and the ones mentioned above.

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Any updates on this from Wrike?  I would again like express my preference for a way that the user can choose their own default behavior of the Date Fields, choosing which one is dependent on the others. In my case, the #Days should be the dependent variable, and change based on what I type into the Start and End dates.

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Still Waiting on this as well.

In my head I can see it being beneficial if we were able to lock 1 of the 3 parameters. Some tasks I know the duration, but don't know the start date, but on others I know the start date or mandatory due date, but I want the duration to be flexible so we can prioritize tasks in parallel.  

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Waiting on this also. This is a really helpful feature that helps productivity when planning a big project.

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Hi @All, thanks for your input here 👍 All the feedback is passed to our Product team. +1's of the original suggestion help us assess its popularity among Wrike users. For now, I don't have an update to share with you, but I'll get back to you when I have news.

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Any update on this feature, this is required. It's hard to update a 1000 line Project Plan 3 weeks into the engagement. If this is delivered, how do I access the feature?

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I would also find this feature helpful! We're working on integrating multiple schedules with several different groups working together. It would be easy for dates to accidentally be moved or changed, and I'd like a way to lock the schedule down to keep that from happening. Is there an update on when this might be available? 

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

This would also be a really useful feature for our agency - we create tasks for meetings in order to block out the time in everyone's schedules. It would be very useful to be able to lock the dates of these so that they can't be accidentally rescheduled.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Any update on this feature? I would like the option to lock each one separately. As per the original example I normally know duration (lead time for some items) and the End Date and every time I move one thing all three readjust and it is a cluster. 


👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

This would be a great feature!

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

I would love to have this feature as well!  It would really help with creating timelines for New Products. 


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In planning events we ALWAYS plan from the date of the event.  Every task is somehow linked to this date. Would be nice to have this feature!  Using a blueprint to create an event we could simply put in the new event date and all the other dates would adjust so we can find out when need to start planning the event.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Agree on this request. Hoping to see a response soon.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Any update on this feature? This would be an extremely useful option for our team. 


👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi everyone, thanks a lot for your continued support for the idea!

I've checked with the Product team, and they don't have this in their short-term roadmap. At the same time, they find the idea really interesting and there's a possibility that it will be added later. I'll keep you posted! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

To be honest, I am truly disappointed that in two years you guys cannot implement such a small programming update that would do a BIG difference in functionality.


👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

We are disappointed to know this is not on the product road-map - how difficult it is to implement this feature? What is on the Product Road-map? Give your customers to vote what they would like to see and then define your road-map. 50% of your road-map must be defined by your users and not the Product team.


Our licenses expire in June .. There are a couple of pending features requested, none seem to be on your road-map. Which will help us make a decision - if we want to continue with Wrike or not.


Your Customer teams are putting in so much effort and your Product team seems to be off on their own tangent.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hey everyone, I understand that it can be frustrating to see that a suggestion hasn't been added into Wrike yet, especially one that has been on the Community for a while. While we would love to implement everything on the Community, there are several reasons why this isn't possible. You can read about them here.

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Wrong answer. Please try again :)

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I add my 2 cents here; this feature is not difficult and would add value. Many people need this, and for those that don't it would make it behave much better. I get annoyed by how I adjust a date or a duration and Wrike kinda goes wild adjusting the rest of the parameters. I often have to manually adjust all of the parameters because it didn't do what I wanted. If you could lock parameters it would make the rest of the behavior much more predictable. 


I also share in the feelings that many customers have in that the development isn't always inline with the most important and highest value feedback. There are items that have been posted for several years that people have been very passionate about that have yet to be implemented. There have been users that have left the platform because there was no movement on key features that were lacking. I am sure that there are internal decisions about what to focus on, but sometimes we don't understand or even agree with those decisions.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

This feature is very much needed.

Currently if a phase/task of a project we know takes exactly 25 days and we want to set that as a blueprint, when we change the start date of the new project, the duration is affected. 


Task 1 - start 5/20/2020 due date 6/13/2020 duration 25 days

If Task 1 had to be pushed out by 1 week, and you just go to the Gantt Chart view and input a new start date, the duration is affected. 

Being able to lock in the duration so if the start date is changed, the due date is calculated based upon the locked in "duration" is a critical feature. Please address this as soon as possible. We may need to consider other platforms if this cannot be fixed. It is critical for our business. 

Thank you

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hey everyone, apologies for the delay in response here.

There are currently no plans to add this suggestion to the short-term roadmap. According to the Product team, implementing this feature would make the UI more complex, which they would like to avoid doing.

If anything changes, I'll be sure to keep you posted. Let me know if you have any further questions or feedback!

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