Move Request Form to a new space

Some of my Wrike teams are adjusting responsibilities. One of the responsibilities is that the results of a request form needs to be move to the new teams space. 


Does anyone have any ideas for how to move a request form to a new space? Currently the form exists in TEAM 1's space, but the responsibility is moving to TEAM 2. Moving the form would allow TEAM 2 to have direct edit rights on the form. 


Potential solutions I'd rather not do:

  • Recreate the form
  • Leave the form in TEAM 1's space and just send the response from the form to TEAM 2's space. This would also require TEAM 2 to have access to TEAM 1's space, in order to edit the form. 
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Jared Barden - I just had this same issue today and submitted a ticket to see Wrike Support could move it since it used to be a feature. The below is what I recieved. Unfortunately, it looks like you are going to have to do one of your proposed solutions. The support team gave me some other information on the new request forms that are also linked and you may find helpful. Good luck. I went with recreating my form. 

From Wrike Support
"There is no functionality at the moment that would allow changing where a form belongs (the entire account or a particular space). It will be necessary to re-create the needed forms in each space, respectively.
The form can be duplicated but only in the same space or if it is an account-level form, then it can be duplicated from the Account Management section in Account Settings.
I see similar feedback has been passed to our Product Team. Hopefully we can have an update in a near future. I suggest keeping an eye in our Weekly Release Notes.
I would like to mention the new update for request forms, as it changes the logic of using custom fields in request forms.
Now, in space-level request forms, you can only use account-level custom fields and custom fields that belong to the form's space. In account-level request forms, only account-level custom fields are available. Additionally. It's no longer possible to set space-level forms to save submitted items outside the space.
This update does not affect existing request forms, so any form that was created before this update should keep working as expected. However, if you try to edit an existing form, some custom fields might be deleted from it because of the logic update, and you will need to re-map some of the questions to the appropriate fields.
You can find more information about the update here: "

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Since the rollout of the new request form functionality, I also don't understand how to now convert a Space Form to an Account Form, or visa versa, or attribute it to a different space. 

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I just ran into the same issue and was informed this is not way to transfer where a request from belongs at this time. The Wrike Product teams needs to fix this issue. Thanks all for the ideas on how to address this issue that was caused during the recent release by Wrike. 

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This seems like basic functionality that is missing. We need to do the same and recreating the form would require having to send out a new form link to all of those that used it previously. 

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I ended up recreating the form, updating the link on our website and then modified the old form to be a single page, with a link to the new form. 

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Thanks a lot for bringing this up, folks!

Michelle McMillen Special thanks for pasting the reply from our Support team here 🙌

I'll also pass your feedback on this to the Product team responsible for request forms 👍 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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The benefits of the new request forms features do not outweigh the implications/consequences of not being able to change their locations.  I wish I had known this was coming and I could've moved them to the Spaces before the release. 

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can we have this functionality back? Our forms are lengthy due to complexity of each task and multitude of custom fields included. We have migrated request forms between spaces before and it seems like a step backwards to disable such a basic functionality.

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Thank you for your continued feedback here, everyone! I've now shared it with our Product team. We'll keep you posted on any future changes and updates. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Not only did it take me days of work just to set up a new request form, because you can't duplicate a page or a question in the forms, (see another long list of complaints about that).
I set a new form up in our TEST space before the form formats changed. Now, apparently to get it working in the LIVE space, I will have to recreate it???? I can't even duplicate it, then change the space!!!! This should surely be a very simple thing to dev for your team. I don't have any clue as to the logic behind it!
I am now facing a missed deadline for rollout of our new structure next week, and having to find a way to dedicate many hours to do the form all over again, when my time is already scheduled on other projects Thanks for completely ruining my weekend.Honestly, I feel nauseous about this! Our contract is almost up for renewal and given the choice right now, I'd be walking away. 
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Stephanie Kirk - Try sending in a support ticket about this and see if they can move it or enable a feature to move it. A couple of days ago, support responded to my original request in which they said they couldn't move it (originally posted above), and then said they could now enable something for me to add my form to another space (seems like it may be a beta feature??). This allowed me to cross-tag it into my other space and now I am not having to move forms. It still lives in that original space but also in the space where I needed it. I am not sure they will be able to enable it for you as I'm not sure of your account type, but it may be possible. Definitely try this before spending your weekend recreating. :) 

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Thank you so much Michelle. I have flagged to my account contacts but I will report it that way too. Thanks for taking the time to let me know :) 

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This is amazing to me why let you assign it to a space but not be able to move it to a space.  Also why can we import lists into the request forms.  I am in complete awe that no one thought this should be an option.  

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Hi Kurt Ambrosius, please rest assured that you're feedback has been noted.

Regarding the second part of your comment - about importing lists -, may I please ask you to elaborate a bit on your use case?

Thank you!

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This would be a very useful function as we are running into the same issue and will now need to change links that our users are used to in order to get ownership into the right location (i.e. space).

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Hi Shaun Carlson, thank you for your comment, I've shared your feedback with our relevant team 👍

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Jared Barden  Unfortunately work around with the links doesn't work on our acount. I also filed a request now.

But your work around gave me another idea. We are actually looking into the matter of a single point of contact for requirements from/for different departments. My prefered solution would be one main request form that acutally triggers another form depending on the type of requirement the user has. So the user himself doesn't have to know the name of the departments request form. Preferably wrike knows if it's a user with a wrike account or if it's a user without account (has to leave a name).

By the way: That would also give wrike a boost as a ticketing system...

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Hi Wrike team.  Any update on this?  I really need this functionality.

it seems like a simple change but it has taken almost a year and no updates apart from the usual we have passed this on to the product team comment.

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Hey Stef Risteski! This would not be an easy change because lots of requests forms use different workflows, blueprints, custom fields, etc., so there's a lot to consider.

I've now moved this thread to the Product Feedback forum, our team is also aware of some interest for such a feature. We'll let you know if we have any updates in the future. Thanks for reaching out! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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