Using wrike to sort tasks by type of work
Has anyone used wrike for a 'time blocking' work flow style? I'm specifically wanting to block time for emails, time for calls, time for meetings etc - and to sort my tasks into those categories so I know what to work on in that block of time. Anybody done anything similar to that?
Are you wanting to have your work flow inside one task example, emails, to phone calls, to meetings etc?, or different tasks with a specific work flow?
I'm not sure - but something along the lines of how you can mark a task as 'active/completed/deffered' but mark it as 'email/phone call/ meeting' does that make sense?
So you want to mark certian tasks as an email, a phone call, or a meeting? If this is correct you will want to create custome work flows. To do this while in wrike you will want to click on your picture in the top right hand corner. If you have admin rights wou will want to select Account Management. On the left there will be an option for Workflow, click it. You shoud see the default work flow and if you have never created a custom work flow before then you will see an option that will saw Create New Work Flow with a giant plus sign. Click the plus sign. You will then be able to create as many active, completed, deferred, or cancelled status that you want. Name your work flow. Hit the save buttom at the top of the screen.
Once the work flow is created you can select it at any time from a task. Once in a task click on the status below the Default work task options you will see "Change Task Workflow" hover over the option and a list of all the custom workflows will appear. You can then choose the work flow that you want to use. Hope that helps.
Hey, Naomi,
I might suggest using additional folders as a tagging system. As long as you are not restricted by a "collaborator" type, you can then incorporate this into dashboards and reports while still utilizing the workflow assigned by the account admin.
I would create a custom field to track the type of task it was. Make the Custom field as a dropdown list and define your options to chose from - Email, Phone Call, Meeting, Webinar, Video Conference, etc....
I second Brandy's suggestion of using private folders as labels/tags for your tasks.
For example, a task "Call Client A" would be sitting in a public folder "Campaign for Client A", and in your private folder "Phone calls".
During the time you blocked for calls, you can just refer to your "Phone calls" folder and see the task there. If you have many tasks in that folder, you can create a dashboard view showing tasks in "Phone calls" that are due this week (or today, or overdue and today, or whatever suits your exact need), so you only see the tasks that are relevant right now.