Custom Request Forms + Tagging

We are using request forms for internal enhancement requests and would like to be store all requests in one folder but then use tagging to reflect which apps the request applies to.  The hope is to accomplish this by tagging multiple folders which we currently have to do manually. 

It would be helpful to have an input field that allows end users the ability to tag a set of folders that the request applies to.

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I Agree,

Currently we are having to do this manually on receipt of request or update use custom fields and reporting or dashboards but this is very time consuming to admin and then update all request forms.

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I have found that the check list on request forms can map to tags but it is not an ideal solution as it appears that in addition to tagging the task in other folders it also moves the task from one parent folder to the next.  It also inserts the checklist into the description so if new tags are added later these things can be out of sync.

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I would like to definitely see the ability to add Folder Tags as a field in REQUEST (Form) submissions. At this stage the forms only allow for requests to be filed into a particular location. By having a field that allows users to enter in the Folder Tags then a request can show in multiple places. For us as an Agency, when a form is submitted it needs to go into the Department and also the Client folders.

Hoping to see something being developed in this space.

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Hi all, thanks for your input, votes, and suggestions here.

I want to let you know that currently, you have the ability to tag Folders by mapping answers to parent Folders. This is done by using Dynamic Request form options of checkboxes and dropdowns.

Take a look at the two gifs below:

The first GIF shows the setup of a simple form taken from Pedro's use case of needing both Department and Client Folder tagged. I have tagged 'Departments' as the default Folder in which the task will be created and this option is on the righthand side of the builder. I have also mapped the answers to question to the Client Folders and Company Folders depending on the checkbox(s) chosen.

The second shows the form from the requester's point of view and the resulting task that's created. Note how the Folders I mapped in the first GIF are now tagged in the submitted task.

So currently, if you want the task to be tagged in many Folders, you need to ask the requester some questions to determine what Folders should be tagged. Check out this article about mapping in Request forms for more info on how to map and what entries are available

I appreciate that you're looking for a direct input to add tags and I think this is a good suggestion so thank you for sharing here so others can vote and discuss!

If you have any questions on the above information, please let me know and I'll be happy to discuss.

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An idea : It would be great if we could give the possibility to choose a tag from a list of sub-folders from a selected folder.  For example, we could have a folder grouping all our projects.  By choosing this folder has a reference for a "tag" question, it would be possible to dispatch requests in the good project without manually having to do it.

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My question is along this line but a bit different:

I have a project template that includes the tasks I need when each project is created.  One of the tasks needs to have 2 tags; 1) for the original project and 2) for another project.

My request form creates the project from the template and puts it in the proper folder

The task I need tagged twice only has the Initial Project Tag, I can' t find a way to add the second project tag, either in the template or in the request form.

Any thoughts?

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So, also somewhat along these lines, we want a way for the user that created the task to be able to cross-tag it themselves into their project folders. 

Right now a user might have a task in their project, they submit the request from that another team needs to do the work (request task) while often also tagging that other team member on their project task. The result is a lot of confusion and duplicate tasks.

For request tasks, we allow all users limited access so they can comment and track progress. We have a business account, so we can't add or modify access roles and we don't want to make them editors because it could mess with how a team deals with their "request tasks"

What I really want is:

  • A role that allows for a limited user to add tags to a task
  • An option in the request form to allow the user to add tags as one of the question options.
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Hi everyone, thanks a lot for providing your suggestions here! 

I've checked with the Product team - for now, this is not on their short-term roadmap. Please make sure to upvote the suggestion if you haven't already - it helps the team assess its popularity. Here's the post explaining the process 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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We have a similar need.  In one workspace we have 25 project managers where their projects are stored, but also in a separate workspace to look at different groupings of the same projects by a customers brand identity (like Taco Bell).  Right now we have to train them to put it in the "Brand" folder to ensure archiving and then tag the project to their working folder.  The blueprint lets me start in the "brand" folder, but not allow them to tag it to their work folder.

This would be really helpful!

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Hello Richard Herzog, thanks for adding your support to this suggestion. Please be sure to upvote the original post by clicking on the heart icon if you haven't yet 🙋🏻‍♀️

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This would be so helpful!! I've upvoted the original post and am hoping that posting here will help too!

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Hi Katie Q Smith, welcome to the Community and thank you for chiming in here🙌🏼

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