Dependencies in Table View
Why can't I view task dependencies in the table view? Seems silly that I need to open a task or use the timeline view to see the dependencies. If there is not an option to turn this on somewhere, to me that's a huge flaw.
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Why can't I view task dependencies in the table view? Seems silly that I need to open a task or use the timeline view to see the dependencies. If there is not an option to turn this on somewhere, to me that's a huge flaw.
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Megan, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this! At the moment there is no column for viewing dependencies in the Table, and it would be great to have this request in our new Product Feedback section where other users can also upvote and support it. Looking forward to seeing this idea there!
Really? How can you call this a "Project" tool with having one of the basic elements like "
predecessor"??? Without this - it's nothing more than a really nice looking/fancy To-Do List tool.
Hi Steve, welcome to the Community! Megan's post here is referring to being able to see dependencies in the Table View, and there's a feature request you can upvote to support this idea: Dependencies in the Table View. It sounds like you may be looking for the ability to add successors and predecessors to tasks in other views too, and I wanted to let you know that it's possible to do this in Wrike :) Here's how:
Happy to answer any other questions about this!
Yes I can see where to add them, but it not easy, and the dates take a bit to update it seems.
it would be best to have the ability to add/delete these in the table view ... and how about set the default view not by the way you entered the tasks, but by the date - as a default! i know i can sort - but dont; want to have to do that every time - or have to tell the others viewing this project to do that.
Steve, thank you for clarifying and for sharing your feedback about the Table View functionality. There's a similar suggestion regarding saving filters for certain Folders and Projects, and I think your idea about saving default sorting settings would be a great addition to it: Default View on Folders. That said, I wanted to mention that it's possible to save your preferred sorting order in Table Chart Reports. I understand that you're looking for the same functionality in the Table View, and wanted to thank you once more for sharing your thoughts about this!
I agree. I we also have the request to see dependencies in the Table View.
I also agree. Wrike would be so much more usable with the ability to create dependencies straight out of table view like you can in Microsoft Project, or Smartsheet.
Yes I would like this capability too, however I am interested in knowing the rationale as to why it is not there today. Any feedback you have is appreciate.
Hi everyone, just wanted to give a quick update as to why dependencies aren't currently on the Table View: it's a technical restriction. The team is working on updating code (though it is a long process) and we'll make sure to keep you updated if we have something to share.
I agree this would be very helpful and is needed. I would like to add one item to this request and that would be to add successors to the table view. For me to properly see that I have everything connected up in a schedule I need to see that task have been assigned at least one predecessor and successor.. Without the ability to see if task have successors I am unable to verify my critical paths are correct since some relationships might be missing. I am running projects any where from 100 to 1000 task so the timeline view is not conducive to making sure things are properly connected.
+1 for better dependency visibility.
As a programme manager, I would like to be able to easily see all inter project dependencies in order to make sure activities are synced or changes communicated properly. As a project manager or task owner, it needs to be clear what other tasks precede or depend on my task and I should not be able to change my task dates that then change the dates of other tasks that may not be visible in the view I am looking at (at least not without warnings or notifications).
In addition, if a tasks timing is updated automatically via a dependency, this should be logged in the comment/change history of the task. Currently it appears to only be shown in the preceding task, not in those tasks that are updated automatically.
Any update on when this feature will be available? The Gantt Chart view should really only display the project timeline, similar to Microsoft Project functionality.
I'm not able to see the dependencies column on the table view, even though instructions are showing that I should be able to see this option using the "Gear" on the table view. Anyone else have luck yet?
@Michelle Hi, welcome to Wrike Community 🙂
You can open the dependency column using the Gear icon on the table portion of the Gantt Chart. Currently there's no option to show this column on the Table View, but the team is considering this option. You can add you vote for the Product Feedback suggestion, and I'll update that thread when I have some news.
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