[Status: Not Planned] Ordered active tasks based on dependency - My Work

When we create a series of tasks, we can create a dependency between them that shows the second task will not start until the first task is complete.   However currently all the tasks show in my-work.  

It would be good if the second task didn't show until the first was completed.  This is determined by the dependency relationship between tasks.

Upvote 117
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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Andrew, this is really interesting, thanks for posting (this and your other ideas). 

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The subject and description seem to be talking about different things.

I would like to see (and/or be able to control) the tasks in My Work sorted by dependencies. This is how I interpreted the Subject.

I would also like to have the ability to control whether or not dependent tasks show up in My Work based on whether the upstream task has been completed. This is how I interpreted the Description.

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@Andrew, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, and welcome to the Community! :)

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Did you find the solution for this request? I would love to know the answer, if anyone knows how to do it, please let me know.

Now I have a bunch of tasks in my work which are irrelevant until some of them are completed and between those it is hard to keep the focus. I am sorry if there is a solution for this and I just didn't find it yet.

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Hi Renata, thank you for commenting here! This is a feature request which hasn't been implemented yet, but it's great to hear about which functionality would be helpful, and what's important for you. While it isn't possible to filter out tasks based on dependencies, something which could potentially help is looking at the Timeline view and applying the "assigned to me" filter. This helps get an overview of task statuses and their dependencies at the same time. Let me know if you have any other questions about this!

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Most of the workflow we do is linear and this is a constant point of frustration for us.  Thanks for getting this started.

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My team is new to Wrike but we are having this same problem. I think that is a pretty big oversight. The amount of clutter in my Boss's "My Work" is really overwhelming. The inability to filter and hide tasks up stream on a dependency chain discourages advanced planning and complexity in task organization. Please solve this problem soon.

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@Kevin and @Hunter, thanks so much for commenting here! It's really helpful to hear about your use cases, and while the main view for tracking dependencies in Wrike has a focus on the Timeline, it's useful to hear your feedback and ideas to learn about the way you work with this functionality. Do you see this being an option which can be toggled on and off in My Work, or as a new filter available in other views too? Happy to hear your thoughts about this!

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Absolutely. A filter option for dependency could be useful everywhere that filters are available. Furthermore, "My Work" should have full filter options.

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For us it would be important that it is a filter option in all views as well.  We have a handful of people who manage other's workloads so we set up dashboards via the filters to track what is on their plate, so having the filter option there is important.  Having it in My Work is also helpful so each individual's can better organize their own priorities based on the tasks they can currently work on.  Thanks for the work on this, this would be a great feature to have.

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@Hunter and @Kevin, thank you for following up! This is really helpful to know, I appreciate your insight and understand how this would be a useful addition for you and for other teams as well.

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I totally agree with Kevin and Hunter - filters would be great as our team is mostly working with dashboards and therfore we could define a widget that only includes tasks that are assigned to me and the previous depentent tasks are complete.

Currently we kind of have a work around using a custom status named "Blocked" which indicates all tasks that are not able to be completed due to missing output of incomplete previous tasks

To have this automated would be a hugh benefit and relieve for me as a "traffic manager" not having to go through all task marking them as blocked and for the assignee only seeing tasks that he really can work on!

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Hi Fabian and Justin, thank you for adding your vote here! @Fabian, that's a really interesting workaround, thank you for sharing it! I think it could help some other users while this filter isn't available.

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This would be incredibly useful for my team too. They primarily operate off of Dashboards, and only want to see tasks once they can start on them. We previously used Teamwork, which is not nearly as robust as Wrike but had this option, and the team misses it.

Larry Phung "This is your life and it's ending, one minute at a time."

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We have the same issue and more than one year ago suggested Wrike to add a "traffic light" somewhere near the status or task name in order to be able to identify, sort and filter tasks that have red traffic light (tasks with their upstream dependency chain uncompleted), or green traffic light (tasks with their upstream dependency chain completed). Some weeks ago a Wrike team member mentioned that they were working on this idea, therefore we expect some good news as soon as possible. I agree that this would help a lot to clear My Work view and reduce stress of collaborators sorting or filtering out tasks with red traffic light.



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@Miquel, the traffic light idea is very creative! Love the thinking there! :)

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See also the comments of Alexander Beyaev (Wrike Team Member) dated May 26th posted in https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000274229/comments/115001391349




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Our organization would also like to be able to filter tasks (on reports and dashboards) based on whether or not the dependency chain is complete. We have hundreds of active linear projects at any given time, and currently we are spending too much time trying to find dependency status if a previous task runs late. Users are receiving tasks not knowing if the task is actually ready for them, which is causing frustration.

The suggested workarounds don't really work for us on our scale. If "non-ready" tasks could be filtered out, that's all that we would need to keep our users focused on their work instead of tracking down whether or not their work is ready.

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Same here - this would be huge for us, and is a frustration for our designers who are seeing tasks in their "My work" that they can't actually work on...


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Any update on whether this feature is being considered for a future update? FWIW I think the filter would be the best way to handle it. This would be a huge help to my team, as their dashboards are often cluttered with tasks they can't start.


Larry Phung "This is your life and it's ending, one minute at a time."

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Hi all, thanks for your input! @Larry, it isn't on our short-term roadmap right now, but we always pass on questions and comments to our Product Team, so thank you for bumping this conversation.

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For my team, it's not so much as the task is in my work, but I'm not yet ready to schedule this task until task 1 is complete, but immediately following completion I need to assign a secondary task.

So we have an SLA (service level agreement) that says complete a task within 1 week, so I am assigning task A to Robbie to complete with a milestone of 1 week.  Once she is complete, Wayne has one week to complete task 2.  If Robbie completes task 1 tomorrow, I would like to be able to auto schedule and assign task 2 to Wayne and have him a milestone date of 1 week from task assigning.

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Hi Joshua, that sounds like some great feedback about use cases for automating processes! One of our Product Managers started a thread about automation a bit earlier (Auto-assignment based on task status change), and if you have a chance to check it out, I'd be happy to see your ideas there too :)

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We have the same issue in our company.

Lots of tasks to do but few of them have to be done now. It can bring problems, some persons can complete their task which could be in the middle of the project...missing information or wrong signal once completed for the next person...

It could be a filter on the tasks that I can really do or an option when you create the task which avoid any person to complete until the task before is done...


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Hi Annie, thanks for your input on this.

I wonder if our Auto-assign based on Status might be of interest to you (and others here).

It allows you to assign people based on the task's Status change, so for example, when a task is 'Completed' it can prompt a person responsible for the next task to be assigned to that one. This allows them to know that their task in the dependency chain is ready to work on.

I understand this isn't exactly what you've requested here but I just wanted to mention it in case anyone here was unaware of the function. 👍 

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Hi Stephen,

I checked it when I read all the comments here!

it's interesting, it could be useful and I'll try to work with that to simplify our lifes but you're right it's not exactly what I was looking for!



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We really would like to see this feature also. It seems pointless to make a task dependant if the systems still allows it to be worked on with no warning.

People working on tasks just want to see the work which needs to be done. Expecting them to view the timeline is a waste of time. In our company we are delivering tasks to peoples phones and looking at a timeline on a phone is cumbersome (and not available on IOS)

Is there any news on when this feature might be available?


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Stephanie Westbrook

@Richard, I apologize for the delayed reply. This isn't planned for My Work, but I'm checking to see if it's something that would be considered for another view in Wrike. I'll update this thread as soon as I hear back. 

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Hi guys, just to give an update here.

The team have been reading the suggestions here and are interested in moving in this direction in terms of dependencies work, however there are some essential updates needed before this can happen so it's currently not on the short-term roadmap. When the team is looking at dependencies then we'll be sure to update you here with any related information.

Thanks for the continued support for this request 🙌

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