Printable (pdf) calendar view of tasks to share with clients

Our clients appreciate seeing tasks we have scheduled for them in a familiar calendar month format. To achieve this we now import tasks into Outlook which provides client-friendly calendar month view we can print to pdf and show them. Clients are impressed when we show them a 12-month plan with tasks on scheduled days, Mon-Fri. 

We sometimes use screen sharing of the Timeline view, but this can only be seen with whomever we happen to get on the screen share session. It is much better when we can send them an easy to share pdf calendar which will get shared with other key people in their organization as they see fit.

Upvote 3
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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Doug, thanks for sharing this feedback!

We don't have a Calendar View directly within Wrike, but I did want to share two options that may help in this situation.

1) You can create Timeline Snapshots and share those snapshots with Wrike and non-Wrike users. Snapshots are static (so they won't automatically update if something changes within Wrike), but they can help you share a plan. 

2) I'm not sure if your whole team is using Outlook, but we just released an integration with Google Calendar which you can use to schedule your tasks for specific days/times without having to export/import tasks. 

Thank you again for leaving feedback, I would love to hear if either of the two options above helps a little. 


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I appreciate the information. We were excited to learn about the Google Calendar integration, but upon testing we discovered that each task is shown in Google Calendar with the folder name in brackets before the task title. This results is a calendar where every task appears identical.

"[Your Company Name] Task title that is cut off"

I understand this problem may be unique to us since we organize tasks into folders, and each folder is a client company name.

None of our team use Outlook, we're all on G Suite. We just installed Outlook to make pretty calendars.

EDIT: The Timeline snapshots was new to me. I will try that out.

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Stephanie Westbrook

Thank you for testing out the Google Calendar integration, that's really helpful feedback. It always helps to know more details about use cases and why something does/doesn't work for you. I'll pass this on to the PM for the feature. 

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The timeline snapshot - is it possible to have the zoom go to the month level? It does when looking in timeline but does not for the snapshot.

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Hi Mike! On the Timeline Snapshot, the zoom level depends on the timespan of tasks which are included in it. If all tasks are scheduled for the same month, the zoom level is limited. On the Timeline View, it's possible to get a broader view of dates, since it makes task creation (or rescheduling) easier. I know this isn't an ideal solution, but in case it helps, you can try creating dummy tasks outside of the current timespan. This will increase the zoom range to the month level. Let me know if you have any questions, happy to discuss this further!

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It would seem that this could/should be considered for development? Creating dummy tasks to work around these types of things seems silly.

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@Mike, I understand that you're looking for a solution, and not a workaround, and this idea definitely makes sense. We recently launched a dedicated Product Feedback section, and it would be great to have this request there too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this!

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I work in the construction industry and the timeline schedule is how we best communicate internally and externally.  We really need a timeline schedule that is convenient to print.  The .png file just doesn't work effectively and it's too difficult to print as well.  MS Project is a good example.  Please help!

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Hi Geoff, thanks for commenting here and sharing this idea! Another Community member just posted a similar suggestion on our Product Feedback forums, and it would be great to continue the discussion there, and have your vote on that post too: Export Timeline as a PDF File

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Now that calendar view has been released, how do I print a PDF?


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Stephanie Westbrook

@Magnolia Calendars are in Labs right now, we're still rolling out functionality for them and the team definitely knows that the option to print is something people are looking for. We'll make sure to share an update here when we have one!

P.S. Your profile picture is so cute! Those little ears 😍. 

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Thread Hi everyone, Calendars is still in Labs, but now when you hit ctrl+P (or command+P on Mac) you can generate a printable version of the Calendar you're currently looking at. 🙌 The team is working on making this functionality easier to use, so more updates to come. 

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Tested and is almost there! The date boxes are collapsing if there is nothing in them. They need to stay a fixed height. Also, an option to add a heading to the calendar would be awesome!

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Adding a vote to the ability to print to PDF from calendar. This functionality is needed in our environment.

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