Ability to custom-organise Custom Workflows desperately needed

Hi Team Wrike,

We have a LONG list of custom workflows, and are on the cusp of our next steps deployment, which inevitably entails needing a LOT more as we implement cross-departmental integrations to all our global offices.

Thus far we use complicated multi-departmental workflows in just one of our offices, which conducted (very successful! 😁) beta testing of this integrated system over the past summer.
But these workflows have triggers/approvals etc that are specific to the person or persons in this office.

As a use-case example:
A Logistics Request (ie. "book me a lorry") task with relevant workflow is created by a PM, details filled in, and task status moved on in workflow to Transport Requested, which triggers approval process and sends task to Planner (a specific person).
They do their job of cross-referencing existing planning and liaison with Fleet about feasibility of request, etc etc.
If approved, they move task status on, and off it pings to staff in Admin for next steps, ie. "contact ABC Lorry Company and make booking".
Few steps (and possibly a couple of back-n-forth) later it returns full circle to PM as an approved transport.
PM then notifies their Crew Chief on site, informs Client or TKS, adds transport details to MDS etc etc, whatever next steps are needed...

All of the above does not work for any other office as the workflow would, for example, send requests made by a German PM to a Planner in the French office... clearly not useful to either party!! 😅

The custom workflows list is already very long, so being able to either

1. make workflows visible to only those who need them (so total list might be hella long, but only the poor Wrike Admins see it all), or
2. able to make a set of workflows visible only to members of a certain space etc, or
3. even just to be able to "nest" the workflows in a file-tree-like structure (so we could have each set of workflows nested under relevant entity name)

...would be incredibly helpful right now.

And if any of the above is already possible I would LOVE to hear about it as my search for how-to's came up empty so far, besides leading me to this thread (https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360004098773-Sorting-Custom-Workflows) which isn't quite what we need.

Long story short, there is some serious resistance among upper-management to creating all the new workflows we need to integrate the staff and departments within all our global offices effectively, because the current list is already extremely long and cumbersome and it would amplify this issue tenfold. Halp! 🙏

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So it seems I am already able to "solve" my own query at least in part, so am posting an update here if it's useful to others... Space Workflows have just arrived!!!!



Additional functionality in sorting etc would be great but this does solve one of our issues at least partially which is great news! 🙌

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Delighted to hear that Angela Kennewell, it's a really exciting release for sure! 

Thanks for posting here and letting us know about the benefits for you. If you need anything else don't hesitate to ask 👍

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Elaine Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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