Cloud Content Connector
The Wrike Cloud Content Connector allows you to integrate Wrike with any digital asset management tool or cloud storage through API. The platform provides a set of API methods already supported by Wrike that can be implemented on the DAM side for the integration.
The DAM vendor should implement the connector first in order for end-users to be able to use integrations. Here are some of the supported vendors: Canto, Digizuite.
The connector enables any digital asset management vendor to integrate with Wrike via the DAM Platform. Wrike users have the ability to pick assets from DAM or upload approved assets to DAM through Wrike.
If you are a representative of a DAM vendor interested in integrating your product with Wrike, please reach out to us using this request form.
DAM vendors can decide which functionality will be available via the integration.
Account owners and admins can configure this integration using the Cloud Content Connector card in Wrike's Apps & Integrations.
To set up an integration, the following information is required:
Domain URL
Client ID
Client secret
It is possible for admins to define which data from DAM will be displayed for Wrike, as well as set up multiple integrations at once.
Once the integration is set up, users can:
Log into the DAM from Wrike
Attach files from DAM to Wrike tasks, folders, and projects
Add files to approvals and use Wrike Proof to sign off on files and projects
Upload files and file versions from Wrike to DAM. Please note that this option might not be available for all DAM vendors.