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Setting Up a Zap

Table 222. Availability - Legacy plans

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Table 223. Availability

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With Zapier you can create customizable actions, or Zaps, that send information of your choosing from one app to another, freeing you from manual data input. In other words, you can automate the integration between Wrike and any other app or service that supports Zapier and get your work done faster.

To use Wrike and Zapier, create a Zapier account. Setting up a Zap with Wrike will connect your Wrike account.

Set up a Zap

  1. Log into your Zapier account and select Make a Zap in the left-hand navigation panel.

  2. Enter a name for your Zap. The best names will remind you of what the Zap does.

  3. Select your Zap trigger — an event that starts your Zap and can be in Wrike — or the app that you wish to trigger an action in Wrike.

    • Click Search apps to find the app that you'd like to use as a trigger.

    • Choose a Trigger event from the drop-down and click Continue.

    • If you haven't used this particular app with Zapier before, you'll be asked to sign in.

    • Depending on the trigger event you've chosen, Zapier may then ask you to fill in certain required fields to specify how the Zap should work. Choose from the drop-down(s) and click Continue.

    • You'll be asked to test your trigger event. Click Test trigger. If there are further actions required to test your trigger, Zapier will prompt you.

  4. Select your Zap action. An action is an event a Zap performs after it starts.

    • Click Search apps to find the app that you'd like to cause an action.

    • Choose an Action event from the drop-down and click Continue.

    • If you haven't used this particular app with Zapier before you'll be asked to sign in.

    • Depending on the action event you've chosen, Zapier may then ask you to fill in certain required fields to specify how the Zap should work. Choose from the drop-down(s) and click Continue.

    • You'll be asked to test your action event. Click Test action. If there are further actions required to test your action, Zapier will prompt you.

  5. Click Close. On the next screen you can:

    • Click Turn Zap on to activate your Zap.

    • Edit the name of your Zap.

    • Share your Zap by clicking Share in the top right-hand corner.

    • Go Back to setup to further edit your Zap.

  6. Your Zap will now be accessible and can be edited from the Zaps section of your Zapier account.

Wrike triggers and actions

The following triggers and actions can be used when setting up a Zap with Wrike.

  • Triggers: New folder and task.

  • Actions: Create a comment, folder, task, and time entry.

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