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Rescheduling Tasks on Workload Charts

Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle. ; Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team;


All users, except for Collaborators, Contributors, and Viewers can reschedule tasks on Workload charts they have access to, unless their access role restricts it.

If necessary, you can change tasks' start and due dates on Workload charts by simply dragging them. It's also possible to change tasks' durations the same way.

Reschedule tasks on a Workload chart

  1. Navigate to the relevant Workload chart.

  2. Click and hold the task you want to reschedule.

  3. Drag the task to the appropriate dates and release your mouse.

Change task duration on a Workload chart

  1. Navigate to the relevant Workload chart.

  2. Locate the task that you want to change.

  3. Hover your cursor over the task bar’s left or right side so that you see a double-headed arrow.

  4. Click and hold the bar, and drag to the left or right to change the task’s duration.


Use the same steps to reschedule tasks and change their duration within the horizontal Backlog Box before you assign the tasks to users.
