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Timesheets in Wrike

Table 1. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: ; Availability: Legacy Wrike Resource, Legacy Wrike for Professional Services, Legacy Wrike for Professional Services Performance.

Table 2. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team; Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


Timesheets provide a quick overview of tasks you worked on during a given week and the time you spent working on them. You can also add and delete time entries directly from Timesheets and view other users' timesheets.

To open Timesheets, click More 1 in the sidebar. Select Timesheets 2 from the drop-down menu.



All users, except for collaborators, can use Timesheets.

What you see on Timesheets

  1. Timesheet grid

    1. There are columns indicating task title, folders, projects, or spaces the task is in, and time entry category.

    2. Each timesheet row represents a task paired with a Time Tracking category, i.e., if during a given week, you’ve added timelog entries using two different categories in the same task, it’ll appear on the timesheet as two separate rows 1.

    3. The Total column 2 shows the sum of a task’s timelog entries for the same date and with the same Time Tracking category.

    4. A blue triangle in the upper right corner of a timesheet cell 3 indicates that there are comments added to this timelog entry.

  2. Tasks

    1. By default, Wrike automatically prefills your timesheets to display:

      1. Active tasks assigned to you and scheduled for the selected week (or any day within the week).

      2. All tasks in which you’ve tracked time during the selected week (including completed, deferred, and canceled tasks). You can also manually add tasks to a timesheet.

      You can also change prefill settings on your Timesheets.

  3. Navigation

    1. To switch to a different week: Click the caret 4 icon on either side of the selected week’s dates or click the dates and pick a different week from the date picker 5.
