Legacy Enterprise
This is a legacy plan and it was available to users signed up before 7/1/2021. You can learn more about our new Enterprise Standard and Enterprise Pinnacle plans. To learn more about all the available plans click here.
Wrike Enterprise accounts are ideal for teams that need advanced security options and expanded administration options. With Enterprise accounts, teams can use single sign-on, 2-step verification, Controlled Admin Permissions, and can manage password policy settings.
To find out which type of plan your account is, go to your account settings and select Account info. Your plan type is listed there along with other relevant information. External Users, Collaborators, Contributors, and Viewers cannot access this information and shall ask their account admin.
In addition to the features available to users on Free, Professional, and Business accounts, users on Enterprise accounts can use:
Single Sign-on allows your team to log in to Wrike without having to create a separate account, just log in to your corporate network and you’ll be able to open Wrike.
Leverage corporate identity directory for instant user logins and centralized control of access to Wrike.
Enable 2-step verification to add a layer of security to the sign-in process. When 2-step verification is turned on, users have to enter a time-sensitive verification code after entering their username and password.
Use Controlled Admin Permissions to strategically assign admin roles and responsibilities. You can give admins on Enterprise accounts all or some of the available admin permissions.
Use password policy settings to implement user password policies related to password strength, password history, and password expiration.
Use Network Access Policy settings to specify which IP addresses users can access Wrike from.
Customize Access Roles on your account: create new roles, decide which rights are associated with each of the roles, and rename the roles.
Use Access Reports to keep track of who has access to what and ensure that things are shared with the right people/groups.
Turn on selective sharing for a folder or project to edit who can access that folder or project, regardless of who has access to the parent folder or project.
Use Tableau Connector to automatically pull data from your Wrike account to Tableau.