@Mentions in Wrike
Availability: Legacy Free, Legacy Professional, Legacy Business, Legacy Enterprise; Unavailability: ; |
Availability: Free, Professional, Team, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle. ; Unavailability: ; |
All users can use @mentions in comments unless their access role restricts leaving comments.
Use the @mentioning feature to draw a teammate’s attention to a specific comment.
When you @mention a user you choose them via the assignee picker. The assignee picker works by taking user relationships, work history and the context of the work item into consideration. If you don't immediately see the relevant assignee you can still search for them.
When you @mention someone on a task, folder, or project, you automatically share that item with them (if it wasn't already shared with them before).
You can @mention any user or user group on any task, folder, or project, as long as they're part of the same account.
You might not be able to @mention someone on an item if they don’t have access to it and you have permission to comment on it, but not share it.
External Users, Collaborators, Contributors or Viewers
You can only @mention users or user groups who already have access to the task, folder, or project.
Specific @Mentions
Any user can use specific @mentions for groups of people who follow the task or are assigned to it.
You can also mention yourself, though this doesn't trigger any notifications.
Locked Spaces
Within Locked spaces, you can only @mention teammates who are also members of that space.
When you @mention a colleague:
A notification immediately appears in their Inbox.
An email notification may be triggered, depending on the user’s notification settings.
Email notifications related to @mentions are sent six to 10 minutes after a comment is made.
Sharing and Following
When you @mention a user on a task, Wrike automatically shares it with them and adds them as a task follower.
Mentioning a user on a folder or project shares it with them, but they don't start following it by default.
When you @mention a user group in a task, the group does not start following the task automatically.
@Mentioning can't be done via email. However, if someone @mentions you and you reply via email, your response is posted as a comment in Wrike and the person who @mentioned you is automatically @mentioned in your comment.