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Disabling Effort for Tasks

Table 39. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: ; Availability: Legacy Wrike Resource, Legacy Wrike for Professional Services, Legacy Wrike for Professional Services Performance.

Table 40. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team; Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


All users, except for collaborators, can disable task effort unless it's restricted by their access role.

If a task doesn't require time to complete, you can disable effort for it.

Disable effort from Task view

  1. Open the Task view.

  2. Click the date section in the upper part of Task view. 1

  3. Click the Effort toggle at the bottom of the date picker. 2

Disable effort from the Workload chart

  1. Navigate to the relevant Workload chart.

  2. Click the task for which you want to disable effort.

  3. Click the three-dot menu button on the task preview. 1

  4. Select Disable effort. 2
