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Managing Time Entries in Timesheets

Table 29. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: ; Availability: Legacy Wrike Resource, Legacy Wrike for Professional Services, Legacy Wrike for Professional Services Performance.

Table 30. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team; Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


All users, except for collaborators, can manage time entries on their own timesheets. Users with the right to edit other users' time entries can manage the timesheets of other users.

You can add new time entries and edit existing ones in Timesheets.

Add new timelog entries

Option 1

  1. Double-click the cell that aligns with the relevant date, task, and category for which you want to add a timelog entry.

  2. Enter the number of hours or minutes you worked on the task, e.g., 1h 30m.

  3. Press Enter on your keyboard.

Option 2

  1. Hover over the cell with the relevant date, task, and category.

  2. Click the + that appears.

  3. Select + Add entry.

  4. Enter the number of hours or minutes and the comment if necessary.

  5. Press Enter on your keyboard.

Option 3

  1. Right-click a cell where you’d like to add a new timelog entry.

  2. Select Edit and comment on entries.

  3. Click the + Add entry button in the pop-up that appears.

  4. Enter the time and a comment (optional) for the new entry.

  5. Press Enter on your keyboard.

  6. Repeat Steps 3 to 5 to add all required entries.

  7. Click anywhere outside the pop-up to see the change.


Note that in the cell, entries are summed up, while in the task's Activity Stream all entries are shown individually.

Edit and comment on a timelog entry

  1. Right-click a cell with a timelog entry that you want to edit.

  2. Select Edit and comment on entries.

  3. In the pop-up that appears you can:

    • Edit the existing timelog entry.

    • Delete an entry by clicking the trash bin icon next to it.

    • Add a comment to the entry.

    • Enter additional timelog entries.

  4. Press Enter on your keyboard.

Change a Time Tracking category

You can mass change a Time Tracking category for all timelog entries in a specific row. To do so:

  1. Double-click the cell under the Category column.

  2. Select a different category from the list.


    You can only select from categories that aren’t currently present on the timesheet for the selected task.

Open a task from a timesheet

  1. Hover over the title of a task you want to open.

  2. Click the View details icon View_details__icon.png that appears to the right.

The task will open in the overlay mode.
