Moving Tasks and Projects From Backlog Box to Workload Chart
Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle. ; Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team; |
All users, except for Collaborators, Contributors, and Viewers, can move tasks from Backlog Boxes in Workload charts that they have access to, unless their access role restricts it.
Once you've configured the Backlog Box, you can start assigning tasks from it to the users on the Workload chart. Move the tasks or projects from the Backlog Box to the chart's grid.
Navigate to the relevant Workload chart.
Open the Backlog Box.
Click and hold the task you want to assign.
Drag the task to the new assignee.
Release your mouse.
Instead of moving tasks one by one, you can assign all tasks within a project by dragging the whole project from the Backlog Box.
Navigate to the relevant Workload chart.
Open the Backlog Box in horizontal view.
Hover over the project's title until the drag icon
appears to the left of it.
Click and hold the icon.
Drag the project to the row of the user you want to reassign the project to.
Release your mouse.
Once you move a single task or a project with all its tasks from the Backlog Box to the chart:
The task(s) disappears from the Backlog Box and appears on the Workload chart.
The task(s) is assigned to a person shown in the row into which you dropped it (any additional assignees are also kept).
If you specified a folder, project, or space during the chart creation, the task(s) is tagged to it (unless it was tagged with its subfolder/subproject).
Other conditional changes:
If the task(s) was already scheduled, it keeps its original dates.
If the task was backlogged without duration, it’s automatically scheduled for the current date with a one-day duration.
If the task(s) had a duration, its start date is scheduled for the current date, unless it's the weekend, and the end date is calculated automatically according to the duration.
If the task(s) was assigned to a job role and you move it to a user with a matching role, the job role is automatically replaced with the new assignee. If you don’t want the job role to be automatically replaced when dragging the task to the user with the matching role, press the Ctrl key while dragging the task (Option key on Mac).
If the task was assigned to one or more job roles and you drag it from the vertical Backlog Box to a user with a different job role, all previously assigned job roles are replaced with the new assignee. In that case, you’ll see a pop-up asking you to confirm the change.