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Editing Backlog Box Settings

Table 70. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: ; Availability: Legacy Wrike Resource, Legacy Wrike for Professional Services, Legacy Wrike for Professional Services Performance.

Table 71. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team; Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


All users, except for collaborators, can edit settings of Backlog Boxes belonging to Workload charts that the user has access to, unless their access role restricts it.

After you configure your Backlog Box, you can edit its settings to allocate another set of tasks, e.g., tasks from another project you've started working on.

To learn how to configure your Backlog Box for the first time, please visit the Configuring Backlog Box page.

Edit Backlog Box settings

  1. Navigate to the relevant Workload chart.

  2. Click Backlog Box in the upper right-hand corner.

  3. Click the gear icon at the top of the Box.

  4. Edit the necessary Backlog Box settings:

    • Apply different filters.

    • Change which folder, project, or space to source tasks from.

    • Include or exclude tasks from subfolders and subprojects.

  5. Click Save.
