Resources View
Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle. ; Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team; |
Resources view is one of the views in Wrike that you can open folders, projects, and spaces in. Resources view is similar to Workload charts because it provides you with an overview of users' effort allocation. But unlike Workload charts, Resources view focuses on projects instead of users.
When you open a project in Resources view, you'll see all users who currently work on it, and their effort allocation for that particular project will be the main focus on the view.
Resources view is useful when:
You're planning a project and need to specify resources and required effort prior to creating tasks. Use Resources view along with Bookings for that.
You have recurring projects with known, estimated resource requirements but no granular per-task breakdown. Create a blueprint, open it in Resources view, and define effort for users or job roles using Bookings.
You have a running project and need to see who’s working on it and how much planned work they have. Simply open the project in Resources view for that.
You have a full portfolio of running projects in a folder or space and want to get an overview. You can open that folder or space in Resources view.
The majority of features available in Workload charts work similarly in Resources view. Check out this page to see what you can do to customize the view.
User list:
All users and job roles assigned to tasks in the current project(s) in the view or that have effort allocated for them via Bookings.
All users grouped by the project that they work in. If a user or job role is assigned to tasks in several projects, you'll see them displayed under each project.
Calendar grid:
The daily, weekly, or monthly amount of allocated effort per user or job role.
Gray cells representing non-working days. In weekly view, weekends are visible only when you drag and drop tasks or create new ones. In monthly view, weekends are not visible.
Today’s date marked with a red vertical line on the grid.
Drag the grid to the left to see previous time periods or drag right to see future ones. Alternatively, use the < and > buttons in the upper-right corner of the view to see other time periods. And use the Today button to bring today's date back into view.
Allocated effort:
The calendar grid part of the view shows each user’s workload. Wrike adds up effort required for all tasks assigned to a user within the current project and scheduled for a particular day or week and shows the number in this day’s or week’s column and this user’s row.
If a user has both task effort and booked effort on one chart allocated for the same date, the chart will compare the values and use the one that's bigger when calculating the total allocation.
For example, a user has 7 hours of booked effort and 6 hours of task effort allocated on the same day. In this case, the daily allocated effort cell will display 7h for that day and this number will also be used to calculate the weekly and monthly totals.
You can see a user's full workload including the allocated effort from outside the current chart. It's displayed as a shaded part of a cell. You can click the Legend button in the upper-right corner to see the meaning of the colors on the grid and click on a cell to see detailed information about the allocated effort.
Tasks and projects:
Only scheduled tasks from the current project(s) appear in Resources view.
The number of projects that can be displayed on Resources view is limited to 100.
Click the caret icon to the left of a user’s name to display the tasks assigned to them on the calendar grid.
The horizontal red line above some tasks means that these tasks have the Flexible effort type and the total effort is different from the sum of allocated hours.
Backlog Box:
Contains tasks from the current project(s) that are unscheduled and/or unassigned to users (but they might be assigned to job roles).
Learn more about how the Backlog Box works on this page.
Resources view is available to all users in the account except for Collaborators, Contributors, and Viewers. Any user except Collaborators, Contributors, and Viewers can add Resources view to a folder, project, or space that they have access to unless it's restricted by their access role.
Navigate to the relevant folder, project, or space.
Click the + next to the listed views.
Select Resources.
The folder, project, or space is opened in Resources view, and the view is added to it as one of the primary views.
You can also make Resources view the default one for the current work item. To do that, hover over the view's title, click the three-dot menu button that appears, and select Set as default.
All users, except for External Users, Collaborators, Contributors, and Viewers can export workload charts that they have access to unless their access role restricts it.
Open the relevant location in Resources view. 1
Click the Export button on the right side of the chart settings panel. 2
If necessary, change the parameters of your export in the pop-up that opens:
Click Set dates 3 to select the dates you want to include in the export. You can set the time period from 1 to 365 days.
Under View as 4 select the zoom level: days, weeks, or months.
Under Calculate 5 choose whether to include effort from Only filtered tasks or from All tasks. If you have Bookings added, the booked effort data will also be included in the export in a separate column.
Click Export. 6