[Competition] Wrike's Holiday Countdown 2021 - Day 4!
Hi everyone,
It's day four of our Holiday Countdown, with the final challenge coming tomorrow!
Today's challenge:
This time, we have hidden a holiday-themed message frame in one of the Wrike Discover courses 👀 When you find it, take a screenshot, and post it in the comments below for the chance to win a $50 Amazon voucher!
Hint: Scheduled, ad-hoc, short, and long.
As usual, one winner will be chosen at random. The full T&Cs for today's competition are available here.
Yay, festive 😃
Rita nice you copied from this page my picture here, right?
Sven Passinger How dare you accuse me of cheating? 😠 Not cool at all 😦
Here is another screenshot with letters moving, that proves that I have watched the course.
Rita you answered your question by yourself why I said it: two exactly same images from a moving video. It is not up to me to judge if I was right or not, I only made my point wondering.
Sven Passinger I wanted to post a nice, clear screenshot with party poppers (and i spent some time making it). Nice you thought that only you were capable of doing so and assumed I had cheated, right? It is not up to me to judge if I am right or not, I only made my point wondering.
Hey guys, we're really happy to see you participating.
We'd ask that you keep the spirit of the competition in mind which is to have some fun together here in the run-up to the holidays.
Thanks for taking part and good luck!
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Elaine Wrike Team member Learn about Wrike’s killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars
Almost gave up!
Hi everyone, thank you for taking part in our Day 4 challenge!
Congratulations to our winner Melynda Willis 🎉 We'll be in touch soon to arrange your prize 🎁
The last challenge is here: https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4416258584471--Competition-Wrike-s-Holiday-Countdown-2021-Day-5-