Adding dependencies re-schedules things

When I connect two tasks with dependencies on the Gantt chart, the chart apparently doesn't want to let me have a delay between the tasks. If there is space between the end of the first task and the beginning of the second task, the second task gets re-scheduled so it starts immediately after the first task. So then I have to drag it back to its original dates. This is extremely frustrating. Is there a way to disable this behavior? 

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To keep the same distance, you need to add the information in the duration Column. After the duration for the second task you add a plus sign and then put how many days you want the next task to start. For example of task 1 ends and you want the second task to start on the next week and task 2 is on day in duration then your duration would be 1d + 5d. This should keep the distance you want between tasks. Keep in mind that that this works with a finish to start dependency.


Hope this helps.


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Ryan, I don't know what you mean by "the duration column." 

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Sorry, I should have looked at the Gantt chart when writing my response. In the predecessors column you want to state what task comes first, followed by what kind of dependency you want it to be (start to start, finish to start, finish to finish), add a space then a + space then state the amount of time you want in between the tasks based on the kind of dependency. For example we have a new home start up project that we run every time we start a new home. we have 119 tasks that need to be done, and we try and get them done within 6 weeks. Every task has a dependency and some have that gap. For example, updating our client personal info sheet happens 10 days after the start of the project. In the screen shot below the "Update client personal info sheet" is in row 22 and the dependent task that starts before it, is when the lease is signed for the new house which is found in Row 3. 

In the predecessors column in row 22 we have the following information, 3FS + 10d. This is telling the system that the task found in row 3 needs to finish before this task in row 22 can start. We also want task 22 to start 10 days after the scheduled end time of task 3.

I hope that clears it up a little bit.


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Ah, I see. That's not how I interact with the Gantt chart. I use the graphical interface, dragging and dropping and such. I don't see why connecting two things with a dependency should erase the time between the tasks. 



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The reason it changes is because the software is reacting to information that you have given it. As soon as you drag and drop the dependency, this will over ride dates that were previously there. Once the dependency is present add the space + space time and the task will go right back to where you want it, In this case it will be rownumber FS + 5 days.

The thing to remember now creating this kind of dependency is that if you have to move the one task for any reason the dependent task will also update keeping the space that you identify in the predecessor column.

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The only information I'm trying to give it is that the second task cannot begin until the first task ends. What's frustrating is that it thinks I'm telling it the tasks should be right next to each other. If this is the intended behavior and it is unavoidable, should I create a thread on the Product Feedback board about potentially changing it?

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Once you drag and drop that dependency you are telling the system that I want this second task to start as soon as the first one ends. Which is exactly what the system then does, even if it is unintentional. This is why you need to add the number of days to the predecessor column so that you then tell the system how you want the tasks to interact with each other through the dependency. 

you can submit a Product Feed back about this feature but until they change it, the solution I presented will remove your frustration. 

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I appreciate the discussion!

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Ryan I just found this also to be so helpful so thank you! The + addition needs addressed or more apparent from Wrike. I never would have thought to do that.

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Glad it helped Brandon. 

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Ryan Nelson How can we lock the duration column? Sometimes when the start and due dates are changed, the duration also changes which forces us to have to manually fix the duration column. If it's a blueprint that someone else will be using, this becomes a big headache for everyone. 

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Saba Sahebjam-Atabaki I do not think you can lock the duration column. I believe it is meant to allow the task be as fluid as you need it to be. The one way around this is to set access roles for project, folder, or task permissions where you want to limit how people interact with the data with in those areas. Here is a link for access roles. Lisa maybe able to help here as this now goes beyond my experience with the Duration Column. 


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Hi Saba Sahebjam-Atabaki, thank you for sharing your case with the Community. As Ryan Nelson says, you can prevent users from changing the dates of your tasks by assigning them a limited access role, thank you for the suggestions, Ryan!
I'd also like to mention that if users reschedule tasks by drag-and-drop in the timeline part of the Gantt Chart and in the Calendar View, the duration will remain the same. Would this option work for you? Please, let us know!
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