Export update history

There should be a way to export update history along with their associated tasks or projects to either Excel or another accessible format for auditing or reporting purposes.

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13 commenti

Hey, Spencer! I'd really like to learn more about how you envision this. Which updates do you want to track? I get the feeling that this would look something like an export of the comment or activity stream, but I'd love to learn what you think.

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I suppose a better way of explaining what I'm looking for is I want a report that shows each Task in a Project or Folder, and each Comment and change event that is logged in the "Show More Updates" area under the Task Description in the UI. So if I have a Task called "Work on this thing" in a Project called "Big list of things" and that Task had several comments between the three individuals working on that Task, I'd expect an export like this to be available to Excel (shown below in a tabulated format since I can't put a table in here):

TimeStamp               |   Comment                                  |   UserName                  |   Task Name             |    Parent Task Name ||
9/13/2017 8:03 AM   |  Can we do this faster?              |    Jim Parsons               |  Work on this thing   |  Big list of things        ||
9/13/2017 8:20 AM   |  We're going as fast as we can  |    Wonder Woman         |  Work on this thing   |  Big list of things        ||
9/14/2017 3:00 PM   | This is past due, status?            |    Manager-Person        |  Work on this thing   | Big list of things         ||
9/14/2017 3:01 PM   | Just finished testing, GTG          |   Jim Parsons                |  Work on this thing   | Big list of things         ||
9/14/2017 3:04 PM   | OMG ManagerPerson is insane |   Jim Parsons                |  TotesWorkRelated  | Personal folder          ||
9/14/2017 3:20 PM   | Thanks!                                       |   Manager-Person         |  Work on this thing  |  Big list of things        ||

So yes, it'd look a lot like an export of the Activity stream, but in this case I wouldn't care much for the updates to the task description so it'd be nice if such an export had the ability to filter between comments on tasks and whatnot.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Spencer, thanks so much, the 3:04 PM record made me laugh 😄  I completely understand now. Thank you for taking the time to structure this and explain it so well!

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I like keeping my examples light-hearted and as a developer I understand the need for detail. lol Thanks for following up!

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This type of expanded history view would really help me as well.  Our start and end dates change ALL THE TIME and I would like to know when they do and what the dates used to be before the change.  To follow up on Spencer's example:

TimeStamp              | Change                                                        |   UserName              | Task Name             |    Parent Task Name ||
1/11/2018 8:03 AM   |  Start Date: from 1/5/2018 to 1/11/2018  |    Nat Eichler            |  Discovery tool         |  Personal                  ||
1/11/2018 8:03 AM   |  End Date: from 1/15/2018 to 1/20/2018 |    Nat Eichler            |  Discovery tool         |  Personal                  ||
1/11/2018 8:15 AM   |  Start Date: from 2/5/2018 to 2/11/2018  |    Tommy Boy           |  Discovery tool         |  Personal                  ||
1/11/2018 8:15 AM   |  Start Date: from 3/5/2018 to 3/11/2018  |    Tommy Boy           |  Discovery tool         |  Personal                  ||

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Thanks Natalie for your use case here. Much like what Spencer said above, it really helps our Product Team understand what exactly is needed.

Can you please upvote Spencer's original post above by clicking the plus (+) sign. Voting is very important for our Product Team to understand the popularity of suggestions here.

Thank you and welcome to the Community 🙌

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I agree with Spencer. When pulling report updates for project meetings, it would be nice to export out the updates and comments of a task. The report is not showing a complete picture if the updates/comments are not included. Hopefully this will be a feature added at some point.


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Now it's been almost two years has passed. Any updates on when and how we can export the history data along with the timestamps? 

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Hi Jill Zhou, as this request hasn't reached the 60+ threshold, it's yet to receive a status, but we have passed on your comment and the interest in this feature to our Product team. We'll be back in touch if we have any updates to share 👍

If you need anything else let us know 🙂

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices

Elaine Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hello Wrike Community team,

The need to export update history from Wrike just came up on our end and I was wondering if you have any updates on this feature request.



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Hi Gabor Bejan, thank you for checking in! Unfortunately, we do not have any updates, we'll be sure to let you know if there are any under this thread👍🏼

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I need to audit all of the updated tasks and could also use a report to do this. Instead I need to go task by task and look up the history to see what was modified and when.

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Hi Michael Zaworski and everyone!

I was wondering if the Activity Report could help you with that? It is possible to track the following info on tasks, projects, and folders in it: 

Created (report on new task created); shared; unshared; unshared from author; access role changed; assigned; unassigned; deleted; erased from Recycle bin; locked/unlocked (report on locking time entries); Recycle bin erased; folder or parent task added/removed; task status changed; duplicated.

Can this be helpful? 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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