User Permissions
The current levels of permission (Full, Editor, Limited) are too broad for my needs. I'm wondering if there is any way - or a future plan to allow clients to customize what can and cannot be done within these permissions?
Thank you
Stacey Gill Munich Re
yes yes yes!!!! The lack of permission flexibility will unfortunately cause our company to be switching software come renewal time. There should be an ability to have "Manager" users that are the only ones who can delete, move, or change a project due date and then have the "Regular" users who can update tasks, complete tasks, add notes, and etc. Or a way for the project Owner to be the only one with that ability. We have "regular" users who go in and modify due dates when they fall behind and then never mention it to a all of our reports are inaccurate and we have no control over the system.
This is a HUGE flaw in the product and is putting Wrike's competitors ahead of them.
HI Stephen -
For me there are too many options grouped within each line item of options.
For example in the screen shot above I would like to allow a user to:
So its the inability to get specific within each line item that limits me from being able to effectively use folder permissions.
Stacey Gill Munich Re
Hi Stacey, that additional information helps. It sounds like you would like to be able to lock down different areas of the Workspace. Is that because there's sensitive information that needs to be protected? Any information you could give us on how your team would take advantage of that level of granularity would be very helpful.
Here is a use case we currently have. We want to create a folder with workorder templates. These templates are only to be edited by one group of people. Everyone should be able to comment on them. Another group of people should be able to duplicate a template into another folder where they can perform work on the task. Ideally, they would only be able to mark tasklist items as complete, and edit in designated fields.
I whole heartedly agree that OOTB permission levels are either too broad or too narrow. The inability to create more granular permissions is a serious oversight. I'm stunned more users aren't complaining in mass. Additionally, the poorly implemented filter functionality, associated with custom fields, is another reason I'm days away from abandoning Wrike.
@Alex thanks for your feedback here, it would be great to hear more details about the Custom Field filter functionality you're looking for.
Hello Stephanie, thanks for the taking the time to reply. However, to properly convey my issues with how 'Custom' fields are implemented would better occur in meeting with screen sharing.
In short, the filtering of records by the content found in a custom field has a poor user experience. I counted that 5 clicks, and few screen scrolls, are required before a user can filter on custom fields.
To make maters worse, if I create a field of canned choices then I would except to be presented with that same list when I try to filter that field. Instead, I'm required to type text for the item that I'm searching, which seems unnecessary and inefficient.
Ultimately, since custom fields are not treated anywhere near like basic fields they then become very clumsy to use. As result, I'm forced to use folder hierarchy to impose structure and for task filtering, which is very inefficient in the context of many complex enterprise level projects.
This issue was a deal breaker for my department; we have since moved away from Wrike. If the Wrike team is able to book time with me I can show very specific issues, with custom field implementation that Wrike has designed, and how we currently manage projects in our SharePoint site.
I just spent the most of my morning trying to map my users into groups only to figure out that the available permission roles will not meet our needs. As we attempt to use Wrike on an Enterprise level, I am dismayed by the lack of roles available for task/folder permissions.
While custom permission groups would be amazing, at this time I would be happy with an additional permission role between Editor and Limited. A role that could only edit tasks, but not folders and projects. Below, I broke out permissions I would need them.
I totally agree that the chosen 3 permission levels are silly and do not make sense for my needs. I end up needing to give everyone full access. This is a major lack of feature for a PM solution. I want ADVANCED permissions control.
Hi guys, in case you missed last week's Release Notes. We've added some more customization to people's roles and what they can/can't do as a Labs feature (Admins can enable it).
You can:
Read more here.
Thanks for posting and voting 👍
Hi Stephen
thanks for the feedback, however, despite I am admin of our account, i can't see this feature available in the lab
thanks for the feedback
I am in desperate need of a way to give users a view only solution in Wrike.
Our requesters are external to my team, and so we utilise the external request forms in Wrike for them to submit jobs, so that we can't have them seeing or accessing any subtasks or other folders within Wrike.
I'd like a way to be able to give these users access to submit tasks (maybe through their own accounts) and so they can see the progress in their job, but not comment on it or change the statuses of the jobs.
Hi Holly,
I had a similar issue for my team a while ago where requestors that aren't shared into any specific folder that a task created via request form is tagged in have full access to edit said task).
If you add all these users into a user group and then only give this group access to the request form (so that it's no longer shared to everyone) then you can also share that user group into a folder and give them limited user access (providing that you have all of the togglable options for limited access turned off they should they not be able to do anything with the task accept for view it and any other tasks that users have created. So far I have not found a straight forward method of preventing users from view other requests made in this folder
Although I suppose you could do it by using a project template to created the request and then manually switching off inherited sharing to only the user that has made the request but this requires constant monitoring by your team and all requestors would be to see the project and task until you unshared them from them. Another solution to this is to ask the user to specify the team they come from and then tagging the task in a folder only their team has access to so that requests can be seen by other teams (of course this requires users to make multiple user groups and also means that if a requestor accidentally selects the wrong user group the ask would still be editable for them as it wouldn't be in a folder they have restricted access in).
Another great thing about this solution is that the requester won't see any of the other folders the request is tagged in (unless they are also shared into the folder) this prevents those external to your team from seeing your inner-workings!
Anyway I hope this solution works well for you and God bless
Hey George,
Thanks for your reply!! Unfortunately, that still doesn't work for me even with no sharing settings, and with the lowest collaborator access/limited editor access, the users can still move jobs between statuses, comment on the jobs and delete attachments of the tasks they have submitted.
Unless you know how to limit this even more? You mentioned toggle-able options? :)
Hi again Holly,
If you are the account owner you have access to the following tab in the account management page - "Access Roles"
Sadly this is company wide and the three access levels will be changed across your entire account instead of just in one folder (so anyone who is set to limited access in a folder where you might want them to be able to change statuses will lose the ability to).
Currently you only have the option to toggle these four permissions and the others are standard dependent on access level as per the link below but I'm aware Wrike is working on providing more reconfigurable to what extent I'm not completely certain.
Finally it's probably worth mentioning that the configurable access roles have to be turned on in Wrike labs (link below if you weren't aware) and as I've previously stated to edit these permissions you must be the account owner.
Again I hope that helps,
- George
Hey George,
Ahh - is this an enterprise feature?
That makes more sense if so! I don’t think we have that option as we’re only on Wrike for Marketing! :)
Hi Holly,
Access roles are a business and enterprise account feature as per the header section of the following link.
"Folder and Project permission settings are available on Business and Enterprise accounts."
And I believe Wrike for marketing can either be bought as a business or enterprise account as per the overview section of the following link.
"Wrike for Marketers is available as both a Business and Enterprise solution. You will have all of the features associated with Business or Enterprise accounts (depending on which plan you sign up for) "
If you don't have access to this feature it might be worth contacting Wrike over to get the issue addressed more actively.
Just to clarify, do you have the option to use access roles? And are you a regular user, admin or account owner? (because if you're just an admin you won't be able to edit the access roles unless the account owner has allowed this)!
Hope that helps,
Hey guys, just jumping in here to give you an update - now Enterprise admins can create and customize Access Roles 🙂 Please check out more info on our Help Center.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Just to add to Lisa's post above. Our Team ran a webinar on Access Roles here for anyone on Enterprise looking for a detailed look at the customizing them 👍
I'd love to add on here as I think the way we're seeing this as a problem is a bit unique. In our case, we have everyone marked as 'limited' access at the folder levels but it's also being used as a ticketing system. When someone submits a request, regardless of what folder it lands in or what their permissions are at that level, they're able to do just about everything, including deleting the project as a whole, which is our main issue. I assume this is because by submitting the request they're marked as the creator for the project and tasks and that overrides their permissions in the folder.
I am rolling out the Business version across my company right now.
Can you please explain the logic of why Limited Users cannot edit task descriptions for tasks they are assigned to? We have many cases of how Limited permissions are perfect EXCEPT for the limitation of them not being able to edit task descriptions for tasks assigned to them. I'm trying to understand what it would hurt to grant Limited Permission Users "Edit task Description" permissions for their assigned tasks? Also, if you create a checklist in the task description, the limited user cannot even check it off as they go through each step. So it's useless for them without linking to a Google Sheet or something outside of Wrike.
We cannot use Editor permissions (which allows Task Description edits) because for specific projects we don't want people changing project or task dates. I fully understand why an Editor would be able to change task and project dates, but I do not understand why a Limited User cannot edit task descriptions for tasks assigned to them. Defeats the effectiveness of Wrike in my opinion, as honestly once Wrike has people's SOP's in the task description, most businesses would never migrate to another project mgmt tool as Wrike would help with efficiency too much.
I'd love to know more about the logic as this is causing serious issues for my company as I roll it out. I also understand Enterprise would allow custom permissions but I only need this one change to Limited Permissions, so it's not worth the extra cost per year.
Hey everyone, apologies for the delay in response here.
The Product team conducted several interviews during the process of researching Access Roles. One of the main requests was that there would be a minimal role that would be able to collaborate (such as leave comments) but not to make any changes to any properties of the tasks themselves. This is why Limited Users are not able to edit task descriptions.
If you have any other questions or further feedback, be sure to let me know!
Thanks Hugh! I appreciate understanding the logic as it really confused me why Wrike would not allow task description edits since you can't even use the checkbox feature or add links, so task descriptions became useless. And since Editors can change dates, we were all having to set Limited permissions.
I actually upgraded to Enterprise mainly to create custom access roles and it has been completely worth it. We now can edit task descriptions without the option to change schedule dates. We have year long projects with up to 40 different assignees and many dependencies, so it was critical we did not move dates but could also use the task description to manage our work list and add Google drive links, etc. I also now allow people to change assignees with limited permissions so they can edit task descriptions and assign another teammate if they go on vacation, are sick, etc. We are way more efficient with these 2 functions at a Limited permissions level.
Hey Wendy Pardo, I'm delighted to see how much value you've been getting with your Enterprise subscription! Thank you for sharing your use case here too. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out at any time 😊
Have there been any updates to this since 2020? We're still finding the permission categories aren't flexible enough for our team. I just had to increase a user's permissions because he wasn't able to tag an item in his personal space to his team space.
Hi Jen Loomis, thank you for your comment. May I ask if you have checked the option to create and customize access roles?