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Creating and Customizing Access Roles

Table 5. Availability - Legacy plans

Availability: Legacy Enterprise.; Unavailability: Legacy Free, Legacy Professional, Legacy Business.;

Availability: Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle. ; Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team, Business Plus;


Enterprise admins with the right to Edit Access Roles can create, customize, and delete access roles.

Access roles (Full, Editor, Limited, or Read Only) can be assigned when a project or folder, or space is shared. In Enterprise accounts these roles can be customized and new ones can be created. Enterprise accounts can have up to 10 access roles.


Access roles cannot be applied to users in relation to tasks, meaning that you can't select a specific access role for a user when sharing a task with them. They will have the same access role to the task as they have to the parent folder or project.

Create and customize access roles

Admins can create new roles, decide which rights are associated with them, and rename them.

To create an access role:

  1. Click your profile image in the workspace's upper-left corner.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under Account Management select Access Roles in the left-hand menu 1.

  4. Click Create Access Role 2.

  5. In the pop-up that opens, enter the title 3 and description of the role 4.

  6. Click Create Role 5. The role appears in the table as a new column.

  7. Specify which rights should be included 6:

    • To include a particular right, check the box corresponding with the relevant role and the right.

    • To exclude a particular right, uncheck the box.

  8. Click Save changes 7.


To customize an access role:

  1. Click your profile image in the workspace's upper right-left corner.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under Account Management select Access Roles in the left-hand menu 1.

  4. You'll see the list of access roles with the rights you can customize 2.

    • To include a particular right, check the box where the right corresponds with the preferred role.

    • To exclude a particular right, uncheck the box.

  5. To rename a role or edit the description, click the three-dot menu to the right of the title 3.

  6. Click Save changes 4.

Your changes immediately take effect in the workspace. All users and user groups who have a certain access level to a folder or project receive appropriate permissions.


If an item is located in two parent items where the user has different access roles, the item automatically inherits the higher one.


You may see that a user or a user group has multiple access roles in a folder, project, or space. This indicates:

  • They've inherited different access roles from multiple parent folders, projects, or user groups.

  • These access roles are customized to have a different set of permissions associated with each role inherited from parent folders, projects, and user groups.

Delete access roles

You can delete any role except the default ones (Full, Editor, Limited, and Read Only).

  1. Click your profile image in the workspace's upper-left corner.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under Account Management select Access Roles in the left-hand menu 1.

  4. Click the three-dot menu to the right of the title of the role you want to delete 2.

  5. Click Delete Role 3.

  6. In the pop-up that opens, choose a role to replace the deleted role from the list. All users who are granted the deleted role will get the access role you select in this step.

  7. Click Delete Role.

  8. Click Save changes 4.
