Automatic assign yourself on private tasks.
When working with many private tasks in projects and folders, it takes a lot of time to assign every task to myself. What about making tasks created in private areas automatically assigned to me?
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When working with many private tasks in projects and folders, it takes a lot of time to assign every task to myself. What about making tasks created in private areas automatically assigned to me?
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Hi Lars! Thanks for posting this on the Community. I believe you already know that when you create a task from My Work, it is automatically assigned to you, but I wanted to mention this here in case other users are interested. Something I recommend (and what I sometimes do myself), is create several tasks in my own Folders or Projects at once, and then with the help of Mass Editing, I select all of these tasks in bulk and assign them to myself with one click. Would this help?
Hi Anastasia,
It is highly annoying. Further. I would need to do multiple works to do this. It should at least be possible in the personal folder.
Hi Anastasia,
Thanks for you reply.
This Mass Editing function is only for paid versions (And since I'm a single user....bla bla... 5 users.. bla bla ....., well we know this issue now :-) )
Mostly I create tasks from a project or folder., and I don't think My Work, is a natural place to add tasks at all, except from tasks that suddenly pops up in my head when planning the day.
I can't come up with a downside of putting private tasks automatic assigned to myself, can you?
@Lars @Pardeep Thanks for replying here. I know having tasks automatically assigned to yourself is important functionality for your workflows. I'll make sure to tell our Product Team that you were interested in that specific functionality but want to see it outside of the My Work section.
In terms of a downside to having tasks automatically assigned to yourself, everyone has different workflows, so there are cases where people wouldn't want that functionality (even if it is only in their private Folder). Some people may use a private Folder when they start working on a task and then move it to a different Folder for someone else to work on.
@Stephanie : I guess the option can be provided as a configuration in settings. Those who turn on can have it assign to themselves and others can use it accordingly. This can be a user level setting in my opinion. I'm just throwing my product manager hat around here.
I definitely appreciate that Pradheep! We will let our Product team know about this feedback.
@Pradheep, @Stephanie: I believe it can be a project/folder setting
Just as you can select "Project owner:", you can then select " Default owner for new tasks:".
I would of course appreciate that the default for this option will be myself and not unassigned :-) (but maybe that is something for the user level setting?).
In relation to this: In general I think the idea of "My Work" is great, but it might need a usability walk trough. The way you can plan your tasks into today, and this/next week, without interfering with the Due Date, is an clever and unique feature.(So please don't remove this, like your beta of My Work does now). Unfortunately, when assigning yourself to tasks, they automatically become "Today", and interfering with your existing task-plan. Maybe an "Unplanned" category in "My Work" will solve this? This category will be a sort of task-inbox where you process tasks you have added to yourself, but hasn't been planned yet.
@Lars yes, a user-by-use setting would also be a way to approach this! Love the different ideas.
About My Work, it's so helpful to know what you find useful about the current version of My Work! The team is thinking about that feature and how we can improve the functionality to better approach individual task management and planning. One quick note on the new version of My Work though (the one in Labs), you should be able to drag and drop tasks between the today and later sections without changing the tasks scheduled dates. Are you experiencing something different?
As the sole user of my account, it would be nice to have to have the option to auto-assign tasks to myself. It's rather wasted effort to continually assign all tasks to myself.
I agree with everything that has been listed in this thread. I , too, think a configuration setting that allows a user to select him or herself as the default assignee to all tasks would be great. I tend to create dozens of tasks at a time, and it would be nice if I didn't have to go in and assign each one to myself. I also understand that in My Work tasks are assigned to me as I create them, but the problem is that you have to go in and individually assign each task to a project, which is the same amount of work as assigning each task to yourself.
I second all this discussion, we would need the option / choice to let a user determine if she/he wants to have all the tasks she/he creates assigned to her/him by default.
I also agree with everything said - just as today you can choose the default due date auto assigned to new tasks in a given folder, you should also be able to select a default assignee (i.e. me) for all tasks in a folder. Also agree with MyWork - it's nice, but everything by default is created as completely public to all, instead of choosing say a default folder of Personal.
Is this something easy that can be added quickly? I see this thread was first opened August 2017.
I just opened a support request for this exact feature because this did not come back in my first search - new tasks in non-shared (private) folders should be assigned initially to myself. And new tasks in shared folders should either be assigned to the creator, or to all share members, or to no one - and this should be a folder level setting you can choose to affect all future task creations.
Orphaned unassigned tasks will never be completed by anyone, so IMHO it's a higher risk to have them unassigned than to have them incorrectly assigned, because in the latter case the assignee will see the task and reassign it.
Also, someone mentioned using the bulk actions to reassign tasks and I cannot find that. It's very unintuitive - the bulk mode converts the assignee area into a check box, so I don't know where to click to change the assignee. I also can't seem to change due dates in bulk mode. It's extremely frustrating.
When I create tasks, either for myself or while in a meeting, I woul dlike to do that quickly and either have the default dates and assignees make sense or to be able to very quickly bulk edit those immediately after the meeting if necessary.
Maybe I'm missing something?
there is a similar but more flexible request here, but the comments are closed:
I also recommend this feature. I know there are workarounds to handle it, but it should be as easy as possible to avoid tasks without an assignee!
Maybe the best soulution would be If every new task must always have an assignee! If there is no default setting by a workflow or a special folder, it should always be assigned to the creator itself!
Hey everyone, it's now possible to assign tasks to yourself by creating a task in the "My to-do" section of the workspace.
Hope this helps! If you have any questions, let me know 😊
Hi Hugh,
well, this is a very good thing, but it doesn't help savin clicks in many situations. If I'm working in a specific folder or project, I'm not gonna switch to "My Todos" to create a new task assgined to me and then move this task to the project I've been right before. That doesn't make any sense.
It should be possible to set a default user for every project or folder wich is then automatically assigned to every new task.
I agree with Florian, not really the same thing at all.
Hey Florian Kislich and Alexander Numann, thank you for the further clarification here!
Would Advanced Custom Workflows work to achieve what you'd need? You could set a workflow for a project / folder and have the default status assign the task to the assignee of your choosing.
Hey Hugh, that sounds fine, but can it be an easily-accessible one-click setting for the private folder?
Hello Hugh,
working with custom workflows can be used as a workaround, but it's a bad one, as discussed here:
Hi all, I'm wondering if having the auto-assign Status functionality set up would help here? You can create a Custom Workflow and apply it to the Folder in question. Then, depending on the Status you choose when you create a task, you can have predetermined who it should be assigned to.
It may not work for everyone's ways of working, but it might be something that helps reduce seeing tasks with no assignee at all. Take a look at the above link and let me know if you think it might help 👍
Stephen Community Team at Wrike
Hey Stephen - this could be a good idea for people who are working on their own, as they can set all 'New' tasks to automatically be assigned to themselves. It wouldn't work for bigger teams though as this is only applicable on an account basis, not per user.
This would be extremely useful! Workflows are great, but I am not going to make a new workflow for every new project/folder and tell it who to assign tasks to for that project. Workflows are supposed to be more global, i.e. for every project. Default assignment is local, i.e. for just one project where a PM or Engineer needs to be accountable for everything in their little part of the world. Thus we are stuck assigning tasks over and over and over.
More extreme option:
Most annoying is assign to myself. If a user makes a task, it might make sense as a global default for those tasks to be assigned to that user unless a workflow dictates otherwise. No more unassigned tasks unless someone opts out!
I fully agree with Jonathan Crow, his suggestion would avoid unassigned tasks, wich are a very high risk in using wrike properly. It should be YOUR highes goal to avoid this, I think it is even more important than notifications. No one will get any note if a task has no assignee!
Hey Alexander Numann, the workflow would have to be set up in you Account Management page, but it would auto assign then as soon as the status was changed 😊
Florian Kislich Thank you for passing on this feedback and use case. All of the feedback in this thread has been passed on to the Product team.
So in other words, no, it's not an easily-accessible setting. I need to learn about custom work flows and set those up instead of doing my work.
What I was hinting at with easily-accessible and one click are that you should build this functionality in as an option for the private workspace, as we're asking. Having to use a custom workflow for something that is intuitive (private = mine = assigned to me) is having to work around the tool rather than work with the tool.
Alexander Numann nailed it!!!
Alexander Numann Thank you for the further feedback here! It's been passed on to the team.
I also find this frustrating on a daily basis and the solution is not rocket science for the devs. There is no reason this thread should be 3 years old. Just add another link beside "Add new" like "Add for me", or add a link to that little drop-down. The mobile app actually does this quite nicely. It even lets you create tasks for frequent assagnees.

I abandoned Wrike largely because of this issue. I need a productivity app to disappear into the background, not create more work for myself. Hopefully the simple solutions provided above will be actually considered.
Hi everyone, thank you for your continued feedback here! I'm checking with the team to see if there's an update for this one - if there is, I'll make sure to let you know!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Too busy developing a new interface no one asked for, I guess.