Bulk assign one task

We have a task that needs to be assigned to everyone in my business (roughly 65 people). Is there a way to bulk assign them versus having to go through and click/type out each name? 

We have User Groups set up, but when I type the name into the assignee portion, it doesn't populate the name.


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Haley Kundysek - I don't believe it's possible to assign tasks to groups. Although I'd like that feature as well. 

To make this a little easier, (if all tasks are in 1 folder), you can assign all the people to 1 task and then use the new table view to bulk assign the rest. Here's the help article for assigning tasks. Or if this is a recurring task either use a blueprint (assign the blueprint to everyone) or an automation (trigger, assign tasks to your list of people) to make it so you only have to do this once. 

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Hi Haley Kundysek,

you can assign task to "My Team" or other group you need.

Then by automation you can trigger, each time a task has assigned to "My Team" then assign to and you can select all people you need.


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I'd say it's always a bad idea to assign a task to many users. What do you want to achive by doing so? Who should mark the task as completed when it's done?

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Florian Kislich What would be the easiest way to make one task and duplicate it for everyone? We usually would just have everyone un-assign themselves when they were done since these tasks wouldn't be tracked for metrics/reporting.

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Hi Haley,

well, I wish there would be a smart solution...

I raised a product request regarding this issue some years ago: Duplicate a task to a whole group of users – Wrike Help Center

I described also a (quite bad) workaround in the comments below.

Please vote for my suggestion if you like it - and don't give up hope! :D


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Florian Kislich - I upvoted your suggestion. I can see that being really helpful for training or other tasks that the entire company needs to do. Most of these we do in our current HRIS system, but I like the idea. 

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Mike Fank

Thank you. Could you explain your use case here? I was wondering if my suggestion wouldn't be helpful for you also.


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Training and onboarding. If we need to train a group of people, it would be useful to have the ability to assign the same task to an entire group of people. 

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Mike Fank That's exactly what my suggestion was meant for. But it could also be used for other tasks a whole group has to do, for example read and agree with new data privacy policies.

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Haley Kundysek Unassigning from a task if one has done his to do might be a bad solution for controlling. If it's a necessary task for everyone to do (e.g. attending an emergency training) it's better to see who has completed it. If such a task would be duplicated for every user, it would also be possible to change du dates and statuses individually afterwards.

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