More options to organize Custom Workflows, like sorting the list alphabetically, folder, etc.
More options to organize Custom Workflows, like sorting the list alphabetically, folder, etc.
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More options to organize Custom Workflows, like sorting the list alphabetically, folder, etc.
Folllowing List for Post: More options to organize Custom Workflows, like sorting the list alphabetically, folder, etc.
[this list is visible for admins and agents only]
Hi Neyl Walecki, thank you for posting this suggestion!
I believe that currently when you are in the task or project view and changing a workflow, you'll see the list of the workflows in alphabetical order. Or do you mean the list in the admin's settings?
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi Lisa good point. I was referring to the admin's settings. But now that you said, I remembered that the workflow listing show up in different sorting order on the context menu and on the task status.