Approval due dates


in the due dates for approvals are mentioned. Unfortunately I could not find anything about what happens if the due date is missed and the task was not approved. Is there an additional reminder to the approver? Is it then automatically rejected? Does not happen anything?

Is there any page with more details?


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Hi Sven Passinger,

If a task hasn't been approved by the due date, it will be marked as overdue, but the process will not be rejected or canceled. There is no Inbox notification if you haven't responded to an approval in time, but there is a notification for when it is assigned to you, so you can find the task in question quickly.

Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, let me know.


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Dear @...,

as overdue it is marked in the dashboard depending on the end date of the task itself.

What I mean is the effect of the due date of the approval. This date seems not to have any impact. For an approval, when I set a date until when I need it, I expect an (un)friendly reminder that I missed a date or the requester of the approval should be informed that approval is overdue. And for an approval I do not assign anybody. For sure you get information as soon as you are requested for an approval. But think about a technical problem you have to approve and you need to check it before. Thsi checking will perhaps take a call back to somebody, you do not get and next day you forgot about it. Or it is too much word and you think, ok it has some time. There should be a possibility to remind colleagues of theri tasks and the need of the approval.


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Hi Sven Passinger,

Thank you for providing further clarification here! There is currently no way to notify Wrike teammates if they have missed responding to an approval. I would recommend creating a post in the Product Feedback forum suggesting this as a future update.

Feel free to reach out at any time if you have any further questions!

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Hi Hugh.

Just want to share this, I have dashboard of my pending approvals. I visited this every morning so that i won't missed out any approvals. 

Maybe you can consider this to avoid missed responding to an approval.



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Thank you so much for sharing this Desiree Test, and welcome to the forums! 🤗

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Lisa is there an update on this? I do believe I saw something like this at one of the recent 2023 Wrike Conference. I have it on my to-do list to make two automation rules:


1. Reminder if approval is upcoming

2. Reminder if approval is past due, this one continues each day until they approve it :) 


I'm not coming across anything though and I'm in Wrike trying to figure out what I saw during the conference and not seeing how to make that happen. There are some great options for approvals but you have to chose a trigger first and none of the triggers really match the situation. Appreciate your help, thank you.

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Hi Aimee Reistad! I have good news - our team has started adding approval-related triggers! For now, we've added a new trigger: "When Approval starts". We'll be announcing it on Monday in the next Weekly Release Note 🙂

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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