Recurring Sub-Tasks of existing Task
Hi there!
We have a use case where we want to have recurring sub-tasks that are children of an existing ongoing task (not recurrent). It seems like the only way to create a recurring task is to have it recur at the task level, not at the sub-task or sub-subtask level. Is there a workaround for this?
Project: Design Sprint
Task: Ideation Phase (single ongoing task)
Sub-Task: Test assumption that we can safely enter communities and work with program participants (single ongoing task)
Sub-Sub-Task: Monitor current travel restrictions and report back to Project Manager (recurring weekly task)
Hi Kelsey Ingram!
Recurring subtasks within parent tasks is something that the Product team is interested in, but it is not currently on the short term roadmap. If you're interested in keeping up to date with all the developments in regards to this, I'd recommend adding your voice in this thread.
As for a workaround - would it be possible to create a project dedicated to monitoring restrictions in the same folder as the "Design Sprint" project? This way, you could create a weekly recurring task within the "Monitoring" project and it would still be easy to access from the other project.
Let me know if this helps! 😊
Hey shams mehra,
Can you let me know what you need assistance with? If you'd like, I can raise a ticket for you with our Support team 😊
Hi, Hugh.
Thanks for the help 👍